3. Revelation

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Shock reverberates through the chamber.

Sebastian and Neo stand growling low at Dante who growls back, his canines descending, while Trent tries to bring order by banging his gavel repeatedly. The other Alphas look around in confusion while inside me rage swells like a tsunami.

I have suffered so much because of Dante Black and he dares to accuse me of lying.

Rising from my seat I glare at Dante whose eyes immediately swoop to me at my sudden movement. Holding his gaze firmly I snarl, letting my canines descend.

"Sixty-three. The number of full moons I have suffered through unaided heat. Four, the average number of times a week you have sex. Two, the average number of times you come when you have sex. Not counting the three times you did last night. My last number is one. The number of times you mated me and set off the mate bond giving me a front-row seat to your prolific sex life."

I watch with pleasure as blood drains from his face.

"I have never fucked you." he spits when he gains his composure

Neo and Sebastian growl again - Trent has given up trying to bring this fiasco into order.

"Now who's the liar." I scoff,

Dante leans forward on the bench glaring down at me."

"I. Have. Never. Fucked. You." he growls.

I can't actually believe his audacity, beside me Neo is on the verge of a shift her body trembling with rage.

"If you want to be technical about it then yes, Dante, you have never fucked me," I say, distaste filling my mouth. I hate swearing, but if there was ever a time, now was it.

He smirks leaning back triumphantly.

"It was Hades who claimed Lilith, but you seem to conveniently think somehow you don't have any culpability over your wolf's actions."

Dante's face goes ashen as he leans forward again.

"What do you mean Hades claimed Lilith?"

I lean back feeling like I've been physically slapped. Neo and I exchange looks of bewilderment.

"Is this a joke Dante, because it's not funny." I stare at him, my blood boiling, what the hell is he playing at?

"Do I look like I am joking Eva? What do you mean Hades claimed Lilith?" His honey eyes bore into me as if searching for some lost truth.

My blood runs cold. This is insanity. I look up and down the row of Alphas who seem just as lost.

"Alpha Dante, I don't know why I have to spell this out to you as if you weren't there. I'm assuming you understand the basic process of claiming. Hades mated Lilith setting the mate bond in place, and when he shifted you back, you rejected me and disappeared into the night, or don't you remember that too?" I scoff.

I'm torn between screaming and laughing hysterically at the absurdity of it all, my laugh fading as Dante crashes into his seat his handsome face a picture of shock and horror.

It dawns on me suddenly.

"You don't remember." I whisper staring at him as I start to shake.

Silence echoes through the chamber then Trent bangs his gavel.

"I think we will call a recess. Alpha Dante I would like to excuse you, Eva, and Alpha Neo from Chamber, while the rest of us deliberate on the information at hand. We will call you all in when we have come to a decision on this matter."

The Crystal Moon Curse: Book 2: TAMEDWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu