15. Run

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Who the hell does he think he is?

Stupid Alpha Asshole.

I can't believe the nerve he has, does he actually think I'm going to accept him!


Fueled by anger and definitely a touch of fear, I pick up my pace. Behind me Leroy breaths heavily.

I desperately need this run.

We've been jogging quietly in human form on a well trodden trail through the lofty pines behind the pack house for about half an hour, I've kept my pace gentle for Leroy's sake but it's not enough to clear my head. I need to hurt.

Over the years Lilith and I have conditioned ourselves to long hard runs, a therapy for the hurt and pain. Neo is the only wolf back home that can keep up with me.

I can't hold back for Leroy any longer, and with a growl I speed up. Within seconds I lose the sound of Leroy's heavy panting. I hear him call out to me as I disappear down the trail. He's a strong wolf but he's a fighter not a runner.

My heart finally pounds hard enough for the blood to deafen my hearing. My muscles burn enough for the pain in my soul to give way to the physical pain.

I focus on the dirt path before me and the rhythm of my feet.

Suddenly my vision blurs as tears well, the rushing wind sweeping them out of my eyes and across my face.

I'm scared. Terrified. Dante revoked his rejection.

It's all I've ever wanted.

Every damn full moon all I've wanted is for him to take it back. To come for me, take my body cool the raging fire burning for his touch.

And yet every full moon not only have I burned for him, but I've also felt the pain of his infidelity mixed in the heat.

Hurt, pain, and jealousy kick at my gut and push me harder.

How dare he even think I would want him after that? He can go fuck himself.

I feel Lilith pushing forward, she's excited. She heard everything Dante said and she wants me to accept him, she wants Hades.

No damn way, Lilith. He does not deserve me. He doesn't get to have me after what he's done.

I should have known better than to argue with Lilith.

The angry shift comes fast and forced and in seconds golden paws replace my shoe-clad feet and I almost cry over my favorite Nike's being shredded, but that's the least of my problems.

Lilith has pushed me back and I don't have control. Stupid wolf!

Lilith, please! This is not the time for this!

She ignores me and picks up the pace again we become a golden blur in the woods running faster and faster on and on for how long, I don't know.

I lose sense of time and awareness of where we are. Exactly what Lilith intended. To stop my mind from dwelling in my dark thoughts and just be.

When she finally slows down to a gentle trot, I feel the burning muscles in every step and the parched need for water.

A few steps and we break through the tree line and I see the pack house.

Leroy is standing outside with his father Bryan and rushes to me.

"Luna, thanks goddess, you had us all worried there, damn you're fast." He reaches out to pet me and Lilith growls a warning. He pulls his hand back with a bow of his head, exposing his neck with a quick apology.

The Crystal Moon Curse: Book 2: TAMEDWhere stories live. Discover now