Chapter 20: Chasing the Sunset

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My plan was for today to just sit in my room and relax since it was my day off, yet those plans changed. It was getting close to noon and I heard my phone vibrating on my nightstand. I peeked over to see who was calling me and it was Beam. What does he want now?


"You could sound a little more thrilled to talk to me."

"Well you're interrupting my ME time sooo..."

Beam was really bad at sarcasm, he always sounded like he was being serious even when he wasn't trying to be.

"Oh-oh well I'm sorry!"

"Is that you trying to be sarcastic?"

"Uh... Yes. Does it still sound bad?" I began chuckling, "It's terrible!"

"Damn it! But anyways, I didn't call you so that you could make fun of me! I called you because I wanted to know if you had plans today since it's your day off."

"Oh, I see... Ummm, no I guess I don't have plans. Why?"

"Do you, uh, want to go to the beach? Maybe? With me?"

"Who else would I go with?"

"Right! Duh!" Beam is so silly, it can be really cute at times.

"Sure, let's go to the beach. What time were you thinking?"

"Really? Cool! Like, maybe I can come pick you up in an hour?"

"Okay, that's fine with me. Is there anything in particular I should bring?"

"Ummm, if you plan on swimming then a bathing suit and a beach towel. I'll bring drinks and food."

"Are you sure you don't want me to bring any food?"

"Nope! I'm inviting you, so let me worry about that stuff."

"Alright, if you say so. I'll see you in an hour."

"Bye Tabi!"


A beach day with Beam... This should be interesting. We've never done anything like this before. We normally just hung out in the city and went to the same places, so going to the beach with him will be a change of pace. I wonder if he's bringing anyone else? I mean, I would assume so because it would be kind of boring if it was just me and him. I'm sure he would get bored quickly because I usually just like to take naps at the beach. Oh shit! I don't think I have a bathing suit!

I sprung out of bed and went looking through my drawer of clothes. I have a bathing suit top, but no bottom. How does this always happen to me? I never have both pieces, only one. I wonder if Fah has a bathing suit I could borrow.

I walked out of my room, and knocked on her door, no answer. I guess I can try calling, I just hope I'm not bothering her. Suddenly, her door swung open! Fah looked half-cocked, she probably just woke up.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to wake you up!"

"Uh... It's okay... What's... Hurrrrr... Up?"

"Do you have a bathing suit I could borrow?" I usually try not to borrow her clothing, but every time I would ask she would size me up. It confused me each time because she knows I fit into most of her clothes.

"Hmmm... Yeah I do. Hold on." Fah turned back around into her room and started rummaging through her closet. Less than a minute later, she came back over and threw me a lime green two piece bathing suit. I held it up and examined it, "Umm, Fah?"

"Is there something wrong with it?"

"No-no! It's really cute, but it's a bit... Cheeky..."


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