But no matter where she looked, she couldn't find him, and she guessed that he'd probably gone to the bathroom, or something like that.

She debated waiting against one of the walls for Ryder to return, but eventually decided against it. Lana glanced at the doors leading to the open deck, and decided to go outside, thinking that fresh air would do her good.

She was proven right as soon as she stepped out – the salty air was relaxing and cool – a welcome break from the crowd inside. The deck was empty as Lana strode up to the railing and gripped it tightly, as she stared out at the view before her. The sun had set while she'd been inside, and the sky had darkened, She could even see a few stars glinting up there, shining gems swallowed up by the inky blue. The sound of the waves lapping against the sideof the boat reverbrated in her mind, and she tried her best to ignore it, tofocus on the sky above.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" said a deep voice. Lana whirled around – she hadn't realized that she'd had company. Her eyes flicked around, trying to find the source of the voice, before landing on the jacuzzi on the side. In her desperateness to be outside, she hadn't even looked in that direction, but now she wished she had.

She gripped the railing tightly behind her as she studied the man – because she was sure it was a man, shirtless in the jacuzzi, drink in hand. The pool was brightly illuminated by underwater lights, but the man was barely anything but a silhouette, his features indistinguishable.

"I asked you a question, darling," he said. His tone was perfectly pleasant, but she could sense an underlying harshness that made her shiver.

"Don't call me darling." She'd meant for the words to come out strong and bold, but when she spoke them, they didn't have much of the swagger she'd intended.

The man laughed and shifted a bit, allowing her to see more of his face. Hooked nose, weak chin, slicked back hair...this guy was not on the handsome end of the spectrum. He looked to be about forty, with a few wrinkles lining his face, and she made an involuntary sound of disgust.

The man heard, and for a second his eyes narrowed, before returning to normal. "What's your name, darling?" he asked, in a taunting voice.

"None of your business!" she hissed, before turning away. This man was rude and annoying and did not deserve any of her attention. Lana pondered the idea of going back inside, but decided not to. Returning indoors would be a sign of fear, making it seem like she was running away. That certainly would not do, so she stood her ground defiantly, training her eyes on the horizon line.

She could feel the man watching her, his eyes two laser beams searing into her back. "Well, I'm Anthony Russo," he said. "It is an honor to make your acquaintance."

"Unfortunately for you, I can't say the same." The words slipped out before she could check them, and the man laughed again, louder than before.

"You're funny darling," he said, then: "So...are you here with anyone?"

Lana kept her cool, but inside she was retching. This man was twice her age, and he was trying to...nope. She couldn't even think about it.

"Yes," she said, trying to inject as much steel into her tone as she could muster. "Not that it's any of your business."

"Oh," came the crestfallen reply. There was silence for a few seconds, before-

"Don't you want a break from whoever your man is? Surely he can't be as good as-"

"Russo, what the hell?" Lana whirled around at the unmistakable sound of Ryder's voice. She hated to admit it to herself, but she was slightly relieved that he'd come. Though seeing him standing there, glaring at Russo, she wasn't sure his appearance was a good thing after all. Chances were, he'd do something rash, end up drawing attention to them, and jeopardize the heist.

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