Wildcats! Girlfriends and Winners

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Ricky storms into Camp North looking for Lily. He definitely had some words to say to her about last semester. He couldn't believe what Lily did. And Howie wouldn't lie. She stole the harness? And still, tried to become his girlfriend? That was wrong. She used him. She manipulated him. How could she?

He walks through the entire camp and finally finds the mean blonde sitting near the giant building. "Lily!" He shouts. She looks up and smiles. "Hi, Ricky."

"Did you steal my harness?"

A surprised Lily stands up and crosses her arms over her chest. "Why would I do something like that??"

"I heard Howie tell Kourtney!"

"Of course, he did" Lily rolls her eyes. She should've known Howie would tell them. That little snitch! "Should've known...well, Ricky, I can explain..."

"Explain what? You've been keeping a secret from me for months? Did you even like me? Or were you just using me? Listen, Lily, I trusted you, despite what my friends said against you. I got in a fight with my friends because of you, I betrayed Ashlyn's trust! And worst of all, you almost dragged down Kourtney and Howie's relationship as well! I can't believe you."


They both turn to find the Camp Northers staring at them, all glaring at Ricky. "It's time to go," Shawn says, shooting evil eyes at Ricky, who shot evil eyes right back at him. "Lily...why would you do this?"

Lily wanted to manipulate her way out of this, but she knew Ricky wouldn't fall for it anymore, so she just decided to be honest. "It's a competition, Ricky. Isn't everything?"

Ricky stuffs his hands in his pocket. He looks away for a few seconds before looking back. "It is now. goodbye, Lily."

With that note, a heartbroken Ricky stormed out of the camp, trying to fight back the tears and the anger he was holding inside.

The rival's camps made it to the building where the winner of the LA Theater Competition would be announced. (I don't have a picture, but I imagine it would look something like Camp Star from Camp Rock or something like that). The Shallow Lakers and the Camp Northers were seated on opposite sides.

Ricky's eyes keep darting from the ground to Lily. He wanted to forget about what happened minutes before, but he couldn't. He was so heartbroken she betrayed him. She really liked him, and she stabs him in the back. He couldn't forget that...he was afraid that he might never forget that heartbreak and regret.

He wasn't even mad at Lily, he was bad at himself, he knew what Lily did to his friends, but he was desperate for love and a second chance, he was blinded. He betrayed his friend's trust, he didn't deserve them.

"Hey, you okay?" Nini asks. "Yeah, I'm good" Ricky shakes his head. Nini looks to the side and sees both EJ and Gina looking at them. The brunette shrugs at her friends, but she had to remind herself to ask Ricky later...with reinforcements."

"Welcome, campers!" The announcer says in his microphone. "Welcome to the announcement...of the winner...of the LA Theater Competition!" Right then and there, everyone sat up from their seats and start clapping and cheering.

"This is so great!" Gina grins at EJ.

Soon, the campers take their seat back. "I'm glad you're all excited. Before we announce the winner, we would all like to congratulate all of you. Win or lose, you all deserve this title as Best in Show. So give yourself a pat on the back."

Again, the room erupts in applause. Gina spot Ricky looking to the other side of the room. She nudges EJ and Nini and they see Ricky. Something must've been wrong. And they wanted to help him, but when they got back to Camp.

"Now...for the moment you've all been waiting for. The Winner...of the LA Theater Competition...is..."

One side of the room jumped up cheering and shouting their lungs off. While the other side just stood up, tears staining their eyes, disappointment rising inside. They couldn't believe the results. The winner was...

"Camp North."

The Shallow Lakers stand up in defeat. Tears start streaming down Gina's cheeks. She was so confident, and as always, it blows up in her face. A disappointed EJ pulls his girlfriend in for a hug, he wanted to cry too, but he had to comfort Gina.

Nini just stands there, disappointed. Camp North cheated. They stole their crown. They destroyed their props. And they still got away with it. Noticing his exes expression, Ricky grabs her should and slowly, Nini leans in for a hug.

"Kourtney...I'm so sorry" Howie couldn't help but feel guilty. Like somehow, this was all his fault. "Hey, don't say that, it's not your fault" Kourtney kisses her boyfriend and brings her in for a hug. "If it helps, you're still a rock god to me" Jessie grins, grabbing Bryans's shoulder.

"It always does" Bryan wraps her in for a side hug. Harper immediately broke down, leaning on Jack's shoulder. Jack just tangles her in his arms and kisses her forehead. "It's alright." But even Jack couldn't care less about this.

"I'm sorry we lost, Carlos," Seb tells him, tears staining his face. "Baby, don't be, you showed me to love the outdoors...and you taught me to live without my cell phone...or a wealthy life, that's enough" Carlos pecks Seb's lips and hugs him.

Big Red grabs Ashlyn's hand to comfort her. Ashlyn just smiles at her boyfriend. "It's okay" she grins, even if tears were running down her face. She holds up her necklace and Big Red leans in for a deep passionate kiss.

The Shallow Lakers look at Camp North, their cheers so loud, they were shaking the entire room. They had no problem bragging in front of them, especially Zach. Lily flashes another evil smile at Ricky.

All Ricky could do was just look away, he couldn't do anything. He was too heartbroken. But he knew Lily was reveling in every moment. The ShallowLakers tried to stay hopeful, but they were all disappointed, and the adults could see that. "Val, gather the group, let's get out of here," Dewey tells her.

"Come on, guys, let's go," Val tells them, leading them out. The adults followed behind them. "You put up a good game," Zach says to Miss Jenn. "But you can never beat the best."

But Miss Jenn didn't say anything. She wouldn't let her pride get the better of her. She walked out with her head held high. She was better than that.

"Um, hey, Nora!" Jet calls out. Nora turns around. Nini and Kourtney just walk away, they had no problems with Jet, it was the camp. "I'm sorry. You totally deserved to win."

"It's okay, Jet. I'm fine with it. Congratulations. You're the only one who actually deserves the prize."

"No way, if they knew what really happened, they would give it to you."

"I don't care, Jet. Congratulations" Nora kiss his cheek and gives him a smile. "You know, we would always save room for you. Wanna tag along?"

"Anything for you."

And just like that, Rily is officially OVER. Since it seems like Lily isn't really there for the season, I hope we get some sort of flashback of Ricky dumping her sorry butt. I'm begging, please! And does the announcement of the winner give Camp Rock 2 vibes? Cause that's what I was really hoping for. I hope I was able to deliver well. I can't believe there are only 2 more chapters after this! I'm not ready for this story to be over. The next chapter will include a Ricky solo so yay! And a major friendship moment. Stay safe and have a great day or night, wherever you are.

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