The Wings! Camp Over

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The Shallow Lakers meet up in the girl's Cabin and Carlos explains why Miss Jenn is worried. "It's not much, she's just afraid that Nini might break something cause unlike her dolls, we, unfortunately, can not grow back our limbs."

"Well, I mean, I can walk it off" Nini shrugs.

"You know how Miss Jenn can be. I told her we could brainstorm while she gets Mazzara's help since she can't afford professional help. And honestly, we need all the help we can get, yes, we fixed everything, but we're still humble. Humble may win in Dcoms, but not in real life. We need to up our game."

"We could work on the Dragon transformation" Seb suggests. "Great idea, sweetie, but we should also work on something else."

"Ooh, we could also work on Uma's big scene!" Ashlyn points out. "Perfect! We can split the work!" Harper grins. "Like a Camp Sleepover."

"A Camp Over" Kourtney squeals.

"You mean the same thing we've been doing all month?" Jack crosses his arms.

"Moving on, Jack

"Okay, so it's settled" Carlos grins. "Girls, you work on Dragon Mal, we will work on Octopus Uma. We can do this!"

The Campers start to cheer. They got this, right?

The boys walk back into their cabin, Bryan, and Howie carrying in Uma's tentacle dress. "So what exactly are we supposed to be doing?" Seb asks. "You're not the brightest, are you?" Jack asks, but Ricky smacks his shoulder.

"We're supposed to be finding a faster way for Gina to change from this to her other outfit in the show" EJ explains.

"We can do that, easy" Big Red scoffs.

"Um, guys" Howie calls out. "Does anyone know how dresses work?" That's when the boys look at each other confused. Maybe this wasn't gonna be so easy. They should've volunteered for the Dragon Wings

The girls, on the other hand, are ready. Harper and Kourtney brought in different types of purple fabric. "What's all this?" Val asks. "This is every kind of painted purple fabric we ould find. And we attend to test it out like wings to see which is the strongest, then attach it to the harness. You feel me?"

"You 2 are future fashion icons," Nini tells them.

"We know. I gave the boys their own fabric to use for the Uma dress."

"I'm gave the boys fabric without explaining?" Ashlyn asks. "Biggie has gotten stuck in a locker...twice!"

"I'm sure they got this" Gina shrugs. "And if not, we can come up with something...again."

"Come on guys, I'm sure the guys are working on something as we speak."

The boys had no idea what they were doing. They were just looking at the dress. "Well, there's a zipper in the back, maybe she'll get out of it that way" EJ turns the dress in its back to show the zipper.

"But how?" Jack asks.

"Maybe Gi can keep her clothes under her dress?" Big Red suggests.

"But how are we supposed to get her out quickly?" Bryan asks. The boys share a few confused looks again. "We should've chosen the wings" Howie shrugs. "I got an idea" Jack reaches in his drawer and takes out...

"You've had your phone this whole time?"Ricky asks.

"I don't trust anyone with my personal stuff. We can just look up tutorials about the dresses."

"I'm with Jack on this one" Bryan shrugs. "We could use all the help we could get for this."

"Sounds like a plan" Ricky shrugs. The girls are gonna be surprised, but they'd have to keep the phone a secret.

Mr. Mazzara was helping Miss Jenn by hanging out with her. Miss Jenn needed to distract herself so she choose to focus on Benjamin. "What's the emergency?"

"Well, I'm worried about my children."

"The campers?"

"Precisely, if one of them gets injured one more time, not only will that be my fault, but I will also have to deal with a lawsuit and EJ's parents are attorneys! And with Camp North finding every way to sabotage our show..."

"And you came to me to give you advice."

"No, I came for a therapy session, but I changed my mind last minute and decided to get my mind off things."

"Well, here's some advice, those campers seem to survive every setback. Let's not forget they were able to fix everything a few days ago on their own. So...let's get your mind off of this and other business."

"So, I was wondering if you had made a decision on East High or Caltech. You know, the kids and I would really miss you."

"I'm still deciding. I've applied 4 times and never quite made the cut. Caltech is a brilliant opportunity and I don't think I should miss out on it."

"Benjamin...I understand that, but if Caltech couldn't see how amazing you are 4 times, they don't deserve you. There is so much at East High for you, the students love you, remember the birthday video they made you?"

"Yes, but that still wasn't my birthday which leads me to believe you were staling my Facebook page."

"Now important, what is important... these students...these campers will do anything for you. If they knew what you were deciding, they'd make an entire song to convince you to stay, we both know they would."

"I know they would, haha. But Caswell went through a lot to get me this opportunity."

"And knowing EJ, he will support any decision you make. We all will. But if you ask us...we would take a few hours to make a 'Mr. Mazzara stay' song. Gina would choreograph, Ashlyn, Ricky, and Nini would write, and EJ would record the entire thing."

Mazzara couldn't help but chuckle. Miss Jenn lays her hands on Mazzara's hands and for the first time...he places one hand on top of hers. "Thank you, Mazzara. Our productions wouldn't have been this...memorable if it wasn't for you."

"Please, that was all you. Well, you and your students. I was for the ride."

"Now, you know that's not true. You were part of this production as much as we were, let's be honest, you saved us every time" She laughs nervously. Mazzara raises his eyebrows. 

Imagine having a camp over months after you've been at Summer Camp? The whole camp was a camp over lol! Do you guys think Mr. Mazzara went to Caltech? Since he won't be in Season 3, maybe he'll come back for Season 4, and we can find out if Miss Jenn is endgame with either Mr. M or Ricky's dad, I for one ship Jenzzara. The next part is about the most complex and complicated thing in all of hsmtmts history...romance. Stay safe and have a great day or night, wherever you are.

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