Water Balloons! Dream Schools Are Overrated

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Jack and Harper sneak into an empty room with their water balloons. "Hey, look" Harper whispers and sees a shoe hiding behind a table. Jack and Harper whisper 1, 2, 3 and then jump behind the table, hitting Jessie and Kaden.

"RETREAT!" Kaden yells, the 2 toss their ballons and run, thankfully Jac dodges but Harper gets hit. "Aww man," she groans, looking down at the wet splotch in the middle of her jacket. "Don't worry singer, it's just one splotch."

"Me? Please, of anything you're the singer, you have an amazing voice!" Harper gushes. "Think so huh? Never sung before" the brown-haired boy shrugs.

"Well, you could've fooled me."


"What's with the bag?" Harper asks, Jack had been carrying a bag over his shoulder, he had grabbed it when they split up. Jack opens the bag to find a lot of water balloons. "Jack! They only said 2, isn't that cheating?" Harper asks, concerned about what will happen if the others knew what Jack did.

"Only if we get caught" Jack smirks at her, causing Harper to smile. She could see that trouble in Jack's eyes when he smiles, and she knew she liked it.

Nini and EJ snuck into another room with 2 water balloons in their hands. No one was there so they circled around to see if anyone was there, they were alone. "Ya know, this reminds me of the time we had that water fight at the old camP" Nini chuckles as she remembers the times she met EJ.

"Yeah, I poured a bucket of water of you" EJ laughs to himself, but Nini smacks his shoulder. "You messed up my hair. I was so angry but you just said"

"Don't worry, you look cute when you're wet" EJ remembers. He and Nini chuckle at their recent memories of the fun times they had at camp "Wow! Feels like yesterday we were at that camp. And look at where we are now."

"Yep, a breakup away and we're still getting better." EJ and Nini smile at each other. They had forgotten how much fun they had when they met, preparing for the play, hanging out by the lake, sharing a tent, their first kiss.

"Speaking of which, how's the college doing?" Nini asks, genuinely. "I remember what you said about Duke and-"

"No, no, it's fine, I uh" EJ starts stuttering. "I'm taking your advice, trust the outcome. I wanna go somewhere close so I can still be with you guys, with Gina. After all, you guys are kinda the reason I realized I didn't wanna go to Duke, just trying to figure out my story."

"Oh, well, why do I feel like when you say you wanna stay close to us, you mean Gina?" Nini smirks at the other brunette. "You guys have had a little special thing going on, is this love?" She jokes but she sees the look on his face. "EJ...you love Gina?"

"I just...I feel like I can talk to Gina about anything and she can understand, and when she doesn't, she tries her best. When I'm around her, all the tough decisions in my life don't matter anymore. She makes me...you all make me wanna be my best self."

"You've really changed" Nini grins. This wasn't the same guy who betrayed her trust and stole her phone, this was a guy trying to change and be who he wants to be. 

"I'm trying" he grins. "What about you, miss future singer? You seem like you know you want."

"The question is how to get what I want" Nini huffs. "I can't seem to think of a new song."

"Well, you could always show Jamie the Rose Song" EJ shrugs. Nini just shakes her head. "I don't know."

"Well, I do," EJ tells. "Nini, you what I've known since we met, you were a truly talented girl. I believe in you, Bowen believes in you, Gina definitely believes in you, the only person who needs to believe in you...is you. I know you can do this."

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