Picutres! Core Four's Fight

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Ricky and Lily were hanging out by the Mountain in secret. 

They were hanging by the mountain, just talking to each other. "Hey, I'm sorry about the whole dance battle," Ricky tells her. "No, it's okay, I admire your loyalty to your friends" Lily smiles, but Ricky just stays silent.


Ricky's POV

Glad someone thinks I'm good. Lately, Lily's the only person who points out my positive traits more than the negative ones. Even Mr. Mazzara, my teacher, called me out this year. I mean, Ashlyn just called me willfully oblivious. She didn't say the explanation and she saod to be joking. Carlos called me bad luck. They were basically calling me dumb, I thought they were supposed to be my friends


"Um, Ricky?" Lily asks. Ricky turns to her and raises his eyebrows. "I think maybe we should tell your friends, we have to tell them eventually."

Ricky quickly shakes his head. "I can't do that, they wouldn't understand."

"You're right, they won't."

Ricky and Lily turn around and see a glaring EJ with his arms crossed. "EJ!" Ricky says, getting up, but EJ storms away. "E! Wait up!"

"Bowen, how could you do this?" EJ yells, turning around.

"Do what? Hang out with someone I like?"

"Would you get real for a moment? You know what she did, especially Ash! How do you always manage to do this in relationships??"

"This coming from the guy who stole his girlfriend's phone!" Ricky snaps, making EJ furious, but if Ricky wants to go low, he can go lo. "At least I could say I love you to her the first time!"

"And then you stole her from me just cause you were jealous" Ricky scoffs. "You broke up with her!" EJ yells.

"See, I knew you wouldn't understand" Ricky rolls his eyes. "Yeah, I don't understand why you would be dating the same girl who made fun of your best friend and insulted my cousin millions of times, you know what, I bet she stole the Harness."

"Seriously, you're gonna that low" Ricky says. "Not as low as dating the bad guy."

"Apparently, Gina went that low" Ricky says. EJ tried to homewreck his relationship with Nini, in fact, he and Nini wouldn't have broken up if it wasn't for EJ. "Seriously, I'm the bad guy?" EJ asks. He was honestly really hurt by Ricky's sentence.

"Always have been."


Both boys turn to see Gina walking toward them. "What's going on? Ricky, why did you call EJ the bad guy?"

"Why don't you ask her?" EJ points to Lily, who's watching them in the distance. "I knew it, Nini was right, how could you do this?"

"So you don't to me in a while and now you wanna yell at me?" Ricky argues. He notices both EJ and Gina getting visibly more angry with me.

"Ashlyn is going to be so hurt when she finds out Ricky," EJ adds.

"Why should I care? Ashlyn has never really been my friend, she was always Nini's friend. And now she's Big Red's girlfriend."

"Hoe could you say that? Gina continues, "She was the person who checked up on you after Spring Break, the person who only made sure you were ok after you fell, ignoring her own pain in the process, how could you say something like that" she snaps. EJ takes her hand softly as if to tell her to calm down.

"You're one to talk" Ricky snaps. "I've never even know what's going on with you, and honestly, I don't even know why I ever called you guys my friends! You tried to split me and Nini up and you stopped talking to me for no reason!"

"You know I used to think you were a good guy!" Gina snaps. "After Carlos's Quinceañera, I started to think otherwise cause the only reason you talked to me was to talk about Nini. But when I heard what you did for Carlos and Seb and I did my best to forget about what you did to me. But now that what you're doing is destined to hurt my sister, I'd prefer it if you didn't talk to me," Gina explains.

EJ develops more of a confused glare at Ricky throughout her speech.

"What did you do to her?" the group turns around to see Nini with a shocked expression on her face. 

"I'll see you later, Ricky," Lily says as she walks away, but as she does, a crafty smirk forms on her face. Her plan was working. If they turned on each other, the play wouldn't be good. Of course, in order for Descendants 3 to work, Mal, Jay, Uma, and Ben had to be friends, right?

"I have no idea!?" Ricky responds. Gina's face falls, hurt by his obliviousness.

"Why doesn't that surprise me?" EJ crosses his arms.

"How could you do this to Red? To Ashlyn? To us?" Nini asks.

"I can't believe I once called you guys my friends!" Ricky says. "You wrote a song about me instead of telling me how you feel, you tried to break us up and we were together and you decide to ignore me for months then come back yelling. You know what, ever since Summer, Lily is the only person I could call my friend."

"Ricky, that's not fair!" Nini says.

"Yeah, come on, we're supposed to be a team!" EJ says.

"Whatever man, I'm out of here," Ricky says before storming away. The others watch him, surprised he would go this far.

I need this to happen cause I need someone to tell Ricky off. I don't hate Ricky or anything, but I just really think he needs someone to set him straight, cause, like, he made most of the problems throughout the show, and now he's with Lily.  I need EJ, Gina, or Nini to tell him off, please! Like, Ricky called Gina too ambitious and EJ bad news, but RICKY IS TOO AMBITIOUS AND BAD NEWS!! Speaking of Josh, I've been hearing rumors that he's playing Wiccan in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, by the looks of it, it doesn't seem true, but here's hoping, he seems like the perfect fit for the role.  Can't wait to see the movie this weekend! Stay safe and have a great day or night, wherever you are.

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