Opening Night! Unexpected!

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"Oh, my gosh, you guys, that transformation was FANTASTIC!" Kourtney squeals as the others prepare the stage for the Queen of Mean. The shallow lakers were thrilled. "We're so gonna win this!" Nini smiles.

"Okay, Harper, get ready, let's hope the transformation nails as well!" Miss Jenn crosses her fingers. "You got this, go beyond" Jack nudges Harper. She smiles and her face turns red as she gets up and walks away. Time to bring it.

Ricky was wandering through the halls, he wanted to kill some time for himself. He was thinking about his future. He had been taking this Theater thing like a game. Maybe he wanted to start taking it seriously. He had a lot of talents, maybe he should start showing it.

He was gonna be a senior in a month, maybe it was time to level up. Start his path like the others.


The curly-haired "prince" turns around and saw his mom with a smile. "Mom" his smile widens. He walks towards her and wraps her arms around his neck. "Hey, how long are you staying?"

"Well, I can only stay for one night. So I'll be staying in a hotel then I'm leaving tomorrow."

"Okay" Ricky grins, but that grin fades as a thought enters his brain. " Todd here?" icky never really warmed up to Todd, he wanted to, for his mom, but he just couldn't. That's one change he wasn't comfortable with but he wanted his mom to be happy.

"No, I asked him to stay behind so we wouldn't have a reminder of what happened last time" Lynne giggles, but Ricky stayed silent. "I'm sorry, mom. I mean, it did suck, what you did, but I shouldn't have lashed out like that."

"You don't have to apologize, baby, I kinda deserved it. I should've considered how you would feel seeing me with someone only a few months after me and your dad divorced."

"It's okay, mom. As long as you're happy."

"Are you happy?"

"I think so, or at least, I'm getting there."

"Good, you deserve it" Lynne carcasses his son's head before kissing his cheek. "Well, I should get a seat for the next scene, break a leg."


As she walks away, Ricky stays in the hall alone. It was only a few seconds after his mom left, but he had already heard a familiar voice. "Hey!"


"Someone sounds happy," she comments.

"Hey, did you come for a break too?"

"I just came to say hi, since I couldn't say it before Curtain Call. You've been really great."

"Well, thanks. I'm really trying to show what I got."

"Well, you have a lot to show. You'll go great."

"Thanks" there was a minute of comfortable silence between the 2. Ricky wanted to ask her something, but he was a bit nervous. "Well, I should get back, good luck!"

"Actually! I wanted to talk to you about something," he finally says as Lily turns around. "Yeah?" she smiles. Ricky takes another deep breath and takes a step forward.

"These last few weeks have been a lot of fun and I was wondering if you'd like to be my girlfriend?" Lily's face lights up as Ricky fiddled with his fingers.

"I would love to!" With that response, Ricky leans in to kiss her and she happily leans in as well. The kiss was nice, not like how it was with Nini, but nice. Something felt...different, but he didn't know in which way.

"Well...I should get back, break a leg, Wildcat" Lily winks before walking back. Ricky smiles widely before walking away. He had really liked Lily, but something felt different. When he kissed Nini, he felt butterflies in his stomach and more, but he didn't get that with Lily.

Harper was performing the Queen of Mean, she had gotten to "Something is pulling me." Jack was watching behind the scenes. He stands next to the curtains, leaning his back against the wall. He fiddles with his iconic hook and his gaze is staying on Harper.

Something is pulling me,
It's so magnetic.
My body is moving,
Unsure where I'm headed.

All of my senses have left me defenseless,
This darkness around me is promising vengeance.
The price that I'm willing to pay is expensive,
There's nothing to lose when you're lonely and friendless.
So my only interest is showing this princess,
that I am the Queen and my reign will be endless.

As Harper finishes her transformation, she looks in the crowd and sees someone...unexpected. She froze up for a few minutes. Jack furrow his eyebrows. What happened?

Harper was shocked, but the show must go on. She shook herself out of her trance and continues with the song. She stumbled a little, but she stood tall and carried on.

I want what I deserve,
I want to rule the world.
Sit back and watch them learn,
It's finally my turn

If they want a villain for a Queen,
I'm gonna be the one they've never seen.
I'll show them what it means,
Now that I am that, I'll be the ruler of the dark and the bad.
'Cause the devil's on my shoulder where the angels used to be,
and he's calling me the Queen of Mean.
The Queen of Mean.
I want what I deserve

After that scene, Harper basically runs off the stage. "Hey, you okay?" Jack asks her.

"I'm fine, really, I just need a minute." Harper quickly runs off. Jack knew something was wrong, but he didn't wanna pressure. So he gave her a few seconds, and then he'll go after her, but he knew whatever happened, she needed some space.

How unexpected was that???? A Rily kiss?  Ricky's Mom? And who was that guy that Harper saw? All will be revealed soon enough. Ricky and me, they, well, Lily will definitely get what she deserves when this all comes to n end. Ooh, Lily is the worst, but credit to Olivia Rose Keegan, she's a really good actress, wow! And I did decide to make Lynne good cause this is actually connected to the show and not just me writing for fun, so I had to make her good, bummer. I'm just glad I chose not to write about Todd. Stay safe and have a great day or night, wherever you are.

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