1. What Time Is It? Decisions, Decisions...

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At his house, EJ was on his computer, looking at colleges, he was also looking at all the college application letters that he got. There was so much and it was all too much for him. There were so many options and so many places to go, he could go to LA, New York, but he wanted to stay in Utah. There are too many places to choose from.



Ever since I made it official I don't wanna go to Duke, I've been having so much trouble trying to figure what to do about my future. My dad said he's always there if I wanna talk, but his encouraging pep talks don't help me. I don't know where I wanna go, I've been so confused. I know I should go to where my heart takes me, but right now the only place my heart is taking me is to Gina. I know how much she's been through with always moving, along with her brother, I don't wanna break her heart again.

When I was a kid, I thought that Troy was being way too dramatic in High School Musical 3 because I thought I was going to Duke, but now... I totally understand him now.


EJ doesn't know what to do right now, he was alone, his parents still had to work so they were away, and Ash was at her house getting ready for her party, so now he didn't know who to turn to. He needs to figure out his college, but he wants to stay in Utah, close to his friends and his new girlfriend.

As he continues to look, his stress turns into frustration, frustrated that he might never find out which school he really wants to go to, frustrated at how his future was right in front of him now. He slams his computer and pushes it aside, along with the applications.

He stands up and leans again the wall, balling his face and letting out a sigh. College. The one thing he thought he knew, the one thing he thought he would always know, but then he got rejected.

Nini told him it was okay, to trust the outcome, and he did. But then his dad paid his way into Duke, then that's when it hit him: nothing had ever been in his control. Gina told him he's a really great guy, but he needs to forgive himself for all the bad things he's done.

He tried to be the perfect guy everyone wanted to be for so long that when his future finally became his to control...he had no idea what to do. How can something shake up every dream he hoped for? He's never second-guessed his world or any of his decisions before, but all his dreams and what he could behind has him feeling so torn.

He just wanted to scream.

The day the door is closed
The echoes fill your soul
They won't say which way to go
Just trust your heart
To find what you're here for
Open another door
But I'm not sure anymore

It's just so hard
Voices in my head
Tell me they know best
Got me on the edge
They're pushin', pushin', they're pushin'

I know they've got a plan
But the ball's in my hands
This time is man-to-man
I'm drivin', fightin', inside of
(A world that's upside down)

It's spinning faster
What do I do now
Without you?
I don't know where to go
What's the right team
I want my own thing
So bad I'm gonna scream
I can't chose, so confused

What's it all mean
I want my own dream
So bad I'm gonna scream
I'm kicking down the walls
I gotta make them fall
Just break through them all

I'm punchin', crushin', I'm gonna
Fight to find myself
Me, and no one else
Which way, I can't tell
I'm searchin', searchin', can't find a
(Way that I should turn)
I should, to right or left, it

High School Musical: The Musical: The Series: Season 3Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon