Chapter 15 - Belladonna

Start from the beginning

Another one at the bottom of the ocean and the bastard still hasn't stopped. If he doesn't end this he's going to lose a whole fleet, not that that's my problem. In fact it would be ideal if we could take all his ships from him and leave him with nothing.

I received a tip only a few days ago that he has put his best men on the damned Jane Dutches. How I hate that ship. It would be a pleasure to blow it to pieces and watch it burn along with every traitorous pig on it. But the bitch keeps slipping for my grasp. Fane saw her not long ago on the horizon but she was gone before we could even get close.

Last I heard it was being led by a newly appointed commodore. If it is who I think it is I will take even more pleasure in bring it down. That ship is what I want the most but first there are things that must be taken care of first.

I have been fighting this shit for too long on my own. The Cormorants are our only option, unfortunate name in my opinion, but I digress. They had better hold true to their promise otherwise we will certainly loose this battle. To add to the list of bad luck the idiots somehow thought it was a good idea to place their meeting area in bloody Karniva. So, I guess that means we are off to the mainland.

For now we take as many ships as we can. Currently there is a relatively large Brig heading for Rendes. That is, if my fellow pirate informer is correct. He said they perused it on its way from one of the southern island, but the ship got away. If it had been me, The Belladonna would have made sure the navy ship was at the bottom of the depths along with its crew. Apparently all men on that vessel are said to be experienced and loyal to the Kings cause. All the better. The less black-hearted bastards left in this world the better-

"I thought I told you not to touch anything." Dustin's angry voice made Sky jump dropping the book in her fright. He was standing some feet from her leaning against the frame of the door; the same frame he had pinned her against when they met.

Sky's mouth went dry and her heart banged against her ribs. She watched as he pushed himself off the wall and walked over to her. He reached down and picked up the book in on hand. She's chest was going up and down franticly. Dustin held the book close to him and lifted his dark gaze to her.

"How much did you read?" She bit her lip at his rather scary tone. She didn't want to be made to feel scared or small but there was something about his eyes that intimidated her. A dark swirling rage. "Sky." He snapped.

"Only a page." She said ashamed when her voice trembled slightly. "I only read a page. I didn't touch anything else." She told him hoping to calm him slightly. It didn't work. He put the journal down on the table and looked at her.

"Get out. Now." He spoke very slowing and Sky nodded turning to leave before he changed him mind and decided to punish her. She shut the door of the cabin behind her and saw Dustin sit down behind the desk looking tired.

Out in the fading sun Sky was finally able to breathe. The pirates were still singing all around her and it helped to clam her slightly. She watched the door afraid the Captain would emerge and throw her over the side. When he didn't she almost sagged in relief. Above her, Thomas was at the wheel. Slowing she made her way up to him. When he didn't so much as look at her she realised that, like his captain, he was not happy with her. He couldn't have know what she'd done.

Could he?

Sky slumped against the back of the ship and crossed her legs. She didn't know why she was feeling regret at her actions, but the way Dustin had looked certainly did something to her.

Why did I give in to temptation? It suddenly hit her. Everything she had read had practically disappeared from her mind as soon as Dustin caught her. Now, away from him and alone, Sky mentally went over everything she could remember.

She had gained a lot of information; the king was planning something and Dustin has apparently been involved in it for years. Sky remembered as she was reading, that she had heard the name 'The Jane Dutches' before and now she knew it was a navy ship that belonged to the king. And she had learnt about 'The Cormorants' though she didn't know anything more than the name and the fact that Dustin wanted their help. All together she had learnt three major things and was left with a million new questions.

Sky watched and waited as the sun began to sink, almost a perfect representation of how she felt. Thomas hadn't looked over to her once and the Captain was yet to leave his cabin. Sky was sure what she had read wasn't incredibly important considering she understood almost nothing. The crew had stopped singing about an hour ago and had brought food up for Thomas and after a hesitant look at the quartermaster, Sky too. She had eaten the dry bread with effort; not really wanting it but knowing she had to keep her strength up.

Unable to take the silence anymore she stood. Her legs were shaky and the waves that hit the side of the hull didn't help. She walked over to Thomas and leaned against the railing that overlooked the main deck. He didn't look at her and Sky sighed. She looked up at the first stars appearing. They were not even a full day from Harpers isle yet it felt like so much longer.

"I didn't mean to make him angry," She told Thomas, then as an after thought she added, "Or you." When he didn't move Sky wanted to groan and throw a childish tantrum to being ignored. She didn't. "Is there a way I can be forgiven?" She asked trying to be hopeful.

Thomas finally looked at her surprise in his eyes. "Lass," His voice was gentle. Before he could say anymore the Captain walked up the stairs. His gaze passed over the two of them and Sky saw he was no longer angry, instead he looked tired. "Dust," Thomas moved away from the wheel and Dustin took his place next to Sky.

She went to say his name but stopped as she realised she had never used it before. She had been with him for more than a week now and never, not once had his name left her lips. For a second she wondered if she even could say it.

"I need you to give me your word," His voice broke her frantic thoughts. It was soft but held a note of importance. He looked over to her and pinned her with his eyes. Sky nodded and he looked back over his ship. "You can't tell a soul what you know." Sky frowned at him confused.

"I don't know anything." She told him and when he gave her a hash look she tried to back track. "I mean, I didn't understand any of it." Form Dustin's expression she gathered that not understanding what she'd read didn't matter only that she had read it. "I promise." She said with earnest. Dustin gave her a curt nod and from behind her Thomas smiled.

"It's been a long day Lass," Thomas said coming between her and Dustin. "You were up helping Bates last night, and should get some rest tonight." Sky didn't like being sent away like a child but at the same time she was tried and saw that Thomas wanted to speak with his Captain. Dustin had nothing to say on the issue and continued to look ahead.

Thomas told her he'd make sure no one went below deck while she was sleeping alone. Sky was thankful to him and said good night to both of them. She didn't expect any response so was surprised when the captain spoke up as she reached the bottom of the steps.

"Make sure you are well rested for tomorrow." Sky titled her head in confusion but when he didn't elaborate she moved on.

As she passed Mr Rogue he placed his hand on her arm.

"Here," He gave her a lantern that was lit and glowing dimly in the night air. Sky thanked him feeling bizarrely pampered. She descended the ladder to the middle deck and saw the rows of hammocks. Thomas told her his was close to the ladder to the right and hers was next to that one against the hull of the ship. Sky found it easily and readied herself for sleep.

Brushing her fingers through her messy dark hair she worked the knots out. When she was done with that she poured herself some water from one of the barrels off to the side and washed her face and teeth. She took a few sips of the fresh water enjoying the feeling of it running down her throat and climbed into her hammock.

Sky was rather glad no one was there to witness it as she fell out the other side almost immediately landing hard on her front. Grumbling she tried again and managed to fall into the hammock with much wobbling and gracelessness. She was thankful for the comfort of the gentle swing as it reminded her of when she fell asleep on her father's fishing boat. Within minutes she was gone and didn't even stir when the middle deck filled with pirates wanting sleep a few hours later.

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