Najimi: alright I guess we can browse for a few minutes.

Hitohito look around the music that were on sale. Shouko browse with excitement as well. Najimi only looked for modern albums, and Yamai and Agari waited outside.

Hitohito: oh looks like they finally restocked the Boston albums.

Shouko: ?

Hitohito: it's my dad's favorite band, they have really good songs.

Hitohito proceeded to buy the new album, and with that out of the way the gang took their seperate ways back home.

Summer vacation.

The summer break has started and with that students were resting at home taking a break from school while others went to hang out with some friend. For Hitohito was a different case, taking a break from school didn't mean taking a break from superhero duties. There was a meeting at Wayne's hideout talking about what could be Red Legion's next move.

Wayne: students are an easy target for the Red Legion, now that summer break is here there's no doubt that they'll want to terrorize as many of them as they can.

Ace: the places with the highest chances of an attack is the water park, the theme park and the movies.

Hitohito: so what's their strategy?

Mike: I believe that after Skull's failure, the Red Legion will send a series of attack as a diversion, as a response to that the government will send all forces to focus on the terrorist while the Red Legion sends another team to Nakamura labs to finish the job.

Hitohito: what is inside Nakamura labs that they want so desperately?

Keith: experimental weapons that could destroy a city withing hours.

Hitohito: wait is that legal?

Wayne: at the eyes of the judges and the mayor they're just developing medicine, and we don't exactly have the jurisdiction to confiscate all those weapons.

Mike: so the least we can do is preventing them to fall into the wrong hands.

Ace: exactly, if a super terrorist is already giving us a hard time, just imagine the pure chaos one would do with those weapons.

Hitohito: then I must stop them no matter wha-

Hitohito's phone rang at a really poor moment.

Hitohito: sorry I thought I had it off.

Wayne: no worries mate, take your call. In fact I say we all take a break.

Embarrassed by that he took his phone to see who was calling, as luck would have it, Najimi was on the other end of the line.

Hitohito: hey Najimi now is not a good time.

Najimi: hey mister hero! Say how about we go to the water park tomorrow?!

Hitohito: are you serious?

Najimi: come on man, it's the summer we should be having fun.

Hitohito: -sighs- alright we'll meet at the water park tomorrow.

Najimi: great! I'll ask Komi-san, don't be late!

Najimi hanged up.

Wayne: problems at home?

Hitohito: no it's just that I've been invited to the water park.

Wayne: great, now you can look for suspicious activities at the water park, in fact Mike will join you.

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