First "Official" Mission

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| Y/n's Pov | 

I'm sleeping in my new bed in a place which ill call home. I know ill get used to it eventually but it still feels weird. I lost my parents when I was young but they still taught me how to fight and how to do my laundry and all of the basics. 

I wake up bright and early, around 5:30 to 6:00. I see that Nya is still in bed and so I quietly sneak out and then get lost looking for the bathroom. I end up outside so I go and sit down on the steps to watch the sunrise. It was beautiful but I hear a noise behind me. I turn around and see nobody...

| Llloyd's Pov | 

I hear someone walking around the base so I assumed it was Nya because the guys were still asleep. But then I remembered that Nya doesn't like waking up early. I get out of bed and walk around the base and then I take a step outside and see Y/n sitting on the steps. I quickly walk away before she could see me. I didn't want to look like a stalker but then a thought came to me. 

Why do I care what she thinks about me???

I didn't want to even think about it so I started searching for something to do. And for the first time in forever, I wanted to do my chores. So I went back to my room and grabbed my laundry and started walking to the washer. 

On the way there Pixal had some news about the monsters that attacked Y/n. " Lloyd, I found something about the things that attacked y/n," Pixal said, things I thought. " What did you find?" I asked curiously.  "The origin is unknown still, but they had no fingerprints on the sword y/n gave me". With all the villains we fought, I'm not even surprised that was possible. "Lloyd, do you mind getting everyone downstairs to review?" Pixal said with a little worry. " Sure no problem, it gives me an excuse to not finish my chores" I chuckled. " why are you doing chores at 6:30 in the morning?" pixel asked and I panicked "umm I got up early and I had nothing to do that's all" I knew I was lying but I didn't know why but I wanted to avoid that conversation with myself. 

| Kai's Pov |

The worst part of the day always happens when I have to wake up. Lloyd came rushing in telling us how Pixal got some information on the monsters were supposed to fight today. When Lloyd came in he was slightly red, I just assumed  We all suit up and go downstairs, even y/n came downstairs since she is the person who can stop them. 

Pixal debriefs us on our mission but to sum it up if a person has a shadow they can bring it to life and harm us but we can't harm them since there is only a walking shadow. 

" Assuming that they are shadows it only makes sense that the weakness would be light" Pixal says 

" Well then we need y/n to come with us" We all looked at her

| Y/n's Pov | 

" Well then we need y/n to come with us" and they all looked at me. I tried to think of every excuse possible but only 2 dumb ones come to mind. 

"well, I don't even have a suit, let alone ever gone on a mission," I said

" I have already made you a ninja suit, and you can stick with Lloyd he will help you throughout the mission" Damn you Pixal 

"you already fought t these things when you were on your way here yesterday, you have more experience fighting these things with the rest of us." I hated to admit it but Lloyd was right.

" Plus if you fought them yesterday then you have been on a mission, this will just be your first official mission," Nya said, with excitement in her voice. 

" Ok, ok, ill go" I laughed.

Pixal handed me a yellow ninja suit and I put it on and fit perfectly. "This is nice," I said. "She gonna need a weapon if she coming with us". " I can take her to the weapons vault, " Master Wu just nodded. "Come with me" and then me and Lloyd just walked away as everyone else prepared the bounty. 

A bright light in total darkness... (Lloyd Garmadon x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant