"I need to get back to him soon. He's just as important to me as Mom. How's Rick? And Carl?" I asked, messing with the hem of my shirt.  

"They're alright. Negan's already stopped by like promised, but they're handling it alright. Everything is okay for right now, I promise. They're all okay," Enid said, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder. 

"Good. That's good," I took a deep breath, looking up at her. She smiled at me, pulling me into a hug. "I love you, Enid. You're like a sister to me."

"I love you too, Rori," she whispered as she hugged me tightly. 


We spent the next few days just hanging out and being guards. Everyone here was crazy nice to us. It was kind of weird not having Jesus around since he was on a run.  The next day, Mom, Enid, and I were all sitting in the trailer. "Is that an apple pie?" Mom asked Sasha as soon as she stepped into the trailer with something covered by a towel in her hand. 

"uh, how did you do?" Sasha asked as she took the towel off, handing the pie to mom. 

"I could smell it from outside the door," mom shrugged.

"You baked it?" Enid questioned Sasha with a smile. 

"Some guy gave it to us for what we did," Sasha replied.

"Either way it still looks delicious," I said.

"His little girl said you should run for President of Hilltop," Sasha chuckled.

"Maggie for president," Enid said.

"That sounds good. You should totally do it, Mom," I chimed in as mom sat down at the table with me, cutting herself a large piece.

"Uh, do you want a plate?" Enid asked as mom pulled her piece out. Well, it was more square than anything. It wasn't even a triangle.

"No, I'm good," Mom replied softly before looking at the knives in Sasha's hands. "Did Jesus give you those? Is he still around? There's some things I wanna add to his list before he goes out. The kids need something to write with. Pens, pencils."

"Are you already president," Enid asked with a chuckle. 

"Mm, I've just been talking to people," Mom answered before shoving another bite of pie in her mouth.

"Jesus left this morning. He told me to tell you, but I forgot," Sasha told her and set her knives beside her on the couch.

"Okay. Next time," Mom nodded. She stood up, completely abandoning the pie. "I'm gonna get some milk."

"Let me," Sasha instantly said, climbing to her feet.

"No, I'm good," Mom said with a mouthful of food. The door creaked shut as Mom left. Enid and I  both stared directly at Sasha as soon as Mom was out of the room.


"You're lying to Maggie about Jesus," Enid stated. 

"What makes you say that?" Sasha asked.

"A girl who lives in the house. She was telling me about everyone. She said that Jesus is a runner and that he left yesterday not this morning."

"And, I for one, saw Jesus leave yesterday, not this morning," I added, crossing my arms

"It's for her own good," Sasha replied, her hands placed on her hips.

"Why?" Enid asked.

"Because I need to do something, and she'll want to help me," Sasha said. Enid scoffed, and I looked over at her. 

"You want to kill Negan," Enid said simply.

"W-what?" A look of shock crossed my face. Enid glanced at me before looking back at Sasha.

"What if you have help?" Enid asked.

"If we had help, a lot of people, then I wouldn't be afraid to tell her, because she'd know it wasn't on her to do it. But if it's just me-"

"It isn't just you," Enid interrupted. "You and Maggie aren't the only ones who want to take Negan out."

"No, Enid that's not happening," Sasha shut down Enid's idea.

"Well, I for one want his head on a platter and I'll gladly do anything to get that to happen," I said. Sasha looked between Enid and I before speaking.

"If either of you cares about her, you don't say anything about this. We have to keep her safe," Sasha told us.

"It isn't just you," Enid said quietly.

"It sure looks like it," Sasha said, moving to sit on the couch.

"Yeah, well, it isn't," I snapped, walking out the front door.


After what happened, I went outside to get some fresh air. Mom was back up on the guard post, so I went to visit dad's grave. I sat beside it for a while before I heard footsteps. I looked up at the person approaching.

"Hey, Daryl. Welcome back," I smiled at him. I stood up, brushing my jeans off. He pulled me into a tight hug.

"Good to be back," he said roughly. I tore myself from him and looked over his shoulder at Jesus. Daryl let his arms fall to his side as I walked past him.

"Thank you, Jesus," I said sincerely.

"For what?" He asked, a confused look settling on his face.

"Everything. For bring Daryl back, for standing up for us, giving us a safe place," I told him, giving him a quick hug. He didn't tense at all and it was a nice hug. Warm. 

"Well, we're gonna get going. I'm going to go show Daryl around," Jesus told me. I nodded and watched them walk away before returning to sitting by dad's grave. That was until I heard my mom call out to me. I sighed, pushing myself off the dirt ground. "What is it, Mom?" I asked, walking to stand beside her. She was standing in front of the gates.

"You'll see," she shot me a smile as the gates slowly opened. On the other side was our group. Our family. A smile broke out on my face and I immediately ran to Rick. He caught me as I ran into his embrace, spinning me around.

"Good to see you too, Ror," Rick laughed as his arms held me. Once I was back on my feet, I broke away from Carl and ran over to Carl. His arms quickly wrapped around my waist as I placed my hands on his cheeks and pulled him into a kiss. It was a short kiss, merely a peck. A placed my head on Carl's shoulder for a few minutes before pulling away.

"You were right. Right from the start. You told us to get ready to fight. I didn't listen, and I couldn't. I can now," Rick smiled at her before looking over her shoulder. It was Daryl. After everyone had got their hugs in, we walked back towards the main building. Where Gregory lived.

 Where Gregory lived

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