Najimi: hey Yamai I think that's going to far.

Yamai: why? I think Komi-san agrees right?

Shouko wanted to say that Yamai was wrong but was stopped by a hand gesture of Hitohito.

Hitohito didn't mind those words, he used to deal with bullies ever since he was 12, the words didn't affect him, but what if there's a slight chance that he might be bothering Shouko.
That conversation needed to be put on hold, because in that same moment Hitohito overheard from a police radio a few blocks away that there was criminal activity at the docks.

Radio: all units I'm requesting back up suspects are highly dangerous and armed! I repeat I request immediate backup!

Hitohito: .... you're right Yamai, I'm sorry to intrude.

He headed to the door when Shouko wanted to stop him.

Hitohito: it's okay I just remembered I had some plans with my dad, see you tomorrow at school.

He close the door and took off his school uniform and flew away he made sure no one saw him.

At the docks.

Police were having a hard time, situation got out of control. More and more armed goons surrounded the police.

Officer 1: where's our backup?!

Officer 2: they seem to cut off our comms, I can't get a hold of the station!

Office 1: so we're screwed?!

The goons were approaching the police vehicle, reloading their weapons to eliminate the cops.

Goon 1: any last words?

Hitohito: too soon to sing victory don't you think?

Goon 1: what the-

Goon 2: aw crap is the flying guardian, run!

Goon 3: every man for himself now!

Hitohito: not so fast.

As quickly as he came he apprehended easily the goons handling them to the police. The captain of the precinct arrived just in time to greet the hero.

Takeda: good evening Guardian, thank you for saving my men. I'm captain Takeda pleasure to meet you.

Hitohito: pleasure's all mine captain, and did you just called me Guardian?

Takeda: why yes, is what people been calling you these past few days.

Hitohito: hmmm yeah I like that name.

Takeda: thanks for your assistance we'll take it from here.

Hitohito: understood, but if there's anything you might need-

Radio: officers needed at Nakamura labs there's been a tresspasing, and suspects might be armed.

Takeda: copy that I'm on my way.

Hitohito: need a hand?

Takeda: I could use a bulletproof individual, go ahead I'll-

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