24 | the second

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"You drive me crazy," he groaned into my neck while hugging me.


"Maybe it's a bad idea for us to live together," I laughed. It's only our first day and we have done it twice. That doesn't seem normal.

"You can't back out now, Jinnie." Myungho chuckled and hugged me tighter, "you're allll mine."


= One week later =

I walked into a Japanese restaurant and told a waiter that I have a reservation under Myungho's name. He escorted me to a square table where Myungho was, already sitting there waiting for me.

He stood up and received me with a big bright smile. "You're early," he commented and pulled out the chair for me to sit.

"What's the occasion?" I asked with raising suspicion. It is very unlike him to book a restaurant when we are out on dates.

Am I supposed to expect something?

"You'll find out," he smirked and gave me the menu. "Check out the mains first. I've already ordered a bottle of Sake for us."

While I was engrossed in the menu choosing between handrolls and maki sushi, a girl approached from behind me. The first thing I heard was "seriously?" with an attitude, and I turned around to find Myunghee looking displeased.

"Yeah seriously. Take a seat, sis." Myungho replied her in a monotone.

"You didn't say we were eating with her," she stated without batting an eyelid at me.

"You can choose to sit or leave," Myungho threatened.

I immediately stood up to that and frowned at him. "That's not what you should say! Have this meal with your sister, dude. I'll leave."

Myungho caught my hand before I could go while keeping his eyes on his stubborn sister. "It's been a while since I've treated you to good food. And Yujin keeps asking me about you. Sit down with us for once, Myunghee."

"No!" She crossed her arms, frowning while still standing there.

"Are you sure? Because Seokmin is joining us too..."

Myunghee's eyes sparkled up right away. "Seokmin oppa?" Her tone upgraded.

I whipped my head towards Myungho in surprise too and he gave me a nod.

"So? Are you going to sit down or leave?" Myungho offered once more and she took a seat without hesitation.

"You know I love Japanese food. That's why," she pouted her lips and soon took out a little mirror to check herself.

Oh, I think I know what's going on.

Minutes later, Myunghee jumped up at the sight of her crush and squealed excitedly. "Seokmin oppa!"

I stood up to greet him as well. It's the first time in five years that I'm seeing an old friend, and I felt nervous somehow. The moment I came face to face with Seokmin, I was taken aback by how ravishing he looked, all polished from head to toe in a black suit.

I sucked in a breath, surprised and impressed with how handsome he looked. The kiddy Seokmin that I remembered him to be was now a charismatic business man. I can finally understand why Myunghee is crushing over him.

"H-Hi," I smiled widely, covering my mouth in pleasant surprise.

"Goodness, look who we have here," Seokmin smiled in delight and reached out for a handshake. "Finally we meet again."

The Girl He Never Knew | SVT THE8Where stories live. Discover now