6 | half-moustache

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= Rock with you - SEVENTEEN =


Myungho surrendered with his hands up and took steps back to the couch. "Okay okay, I'm gonna study right now." I watch him take out his study materials before getting back to my own work.

"Jinnie, I don't get this question." Myungho came to me again with a workbook in his hand minutes later.

I raised my deadly eyes at him. "I said DON'T call me that. One more time and I'm chasing you out of this place," I warned.

If he has one talent, it is making me angry.

He put his workbook down and leaned on the counter. "Do you not like the name or do you not like it coming from me?"

Good question.

"Both," I grumbled, and took his workbook to settle whatever he came to me for. "You don't know this? Are you serious?" I asked right after scanning the question on Newton's Law of Motion. It's one of the basic scientific laws.

"Well, I'm just, t-testing how much you know. So what's the answer?" He scratched his head, trying to be cool about it. I wanted to laugh but held in as best as I could.

"Get me your textbook," I instructed and watched the obedient him do as I say. That's when I realised he needed a LOT of help with science.


I sent the last email for the day and spread my arms out for a good stretch. I've been sitting at the reception the whole day and coordinating the promotional activities for M&K. This was only a part-time job, but I did way more than I expected. It was 9:30 pm now, which meant there was 30 minutes to the end of my shift, and to close the studio for the day.

Then I heard a soft snore coming from the couch. Someone must've fallen asleep and I glimpsed over the counter to prove myself right.

Myungho was slumped on the couch with his head thrown back, facing up with his mouth open. I went over discreetly, took a seat beside him, and picked up the workbook that slipped out of his hands to check on his progress. I gave him some practice questions so I expected him to have them complete.

To my horror, it was half done with lots of scribbles and drawings at the sides. I scrutinised whatever he penned down and found a drawing of a frowning, pouty face girl in a hoodie...

Is that me?!?

It's not a fantastic drawing but I could tell that much. He even drew a moustache over 'me'. Anger rose within me and I whipped my head to glare at the dumbass sleeping beside me. I really want to slap him awake.

Then an idea came to me. I quickly grabbed a black marker pen from my desk and returned to his side. I'll give him a cursive Italian moustache since he likes to draw so much.

Kneeling on the couch this time, I leaned close to Myungho and started drawing below his nostrils. Just hoping I don't wake him in the process.

I grinned after successfully drawing a side. As long as he didn't see the mirror, he would never know. I bit my lip and carefully drew another cursive moustache for the other side, but it must have tickled him because he started moving his head.

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