say yes to the dress

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"Dad please can you wake up now, I am bored,"

"I am awake,"

"You were just snoring,"

"Lies," I said, turning over, "How are you feeling?"


"That's good, I feel a lot better too. Shall we go out today them?"


"We have an hour before we need to leave,"


"You said you were bored,"

She smiled and hugged me, resting her head in my chest like when she was a baby.

"What do I need to wear?"

"Something comfy, we are going out but in your wheelchair, please,"


I kissed the top of her head and she got up, then shuffled off the bed and looked in the mirror stood in the corner. I pulled a funny face and she laughed, then turned back to me and sighed.

"What are we doing today?"

"We are getting a facial, then having our nails done, then going to get hair cuts, and we are going to find a dress,"

"All in one day?"

"Tight schedule,"

"How will I match my nails to my dress?"

"Get something sparkly, and silver,"

"I love you,"

"I love you too, angel,"

"You're doing all of this for me?"

"Of course I am,"

"But you already gave me your kidney,"

"That doesn't mean I can't do something for you ever again,"

"Yes it does,"

"I'm your dad,"

She shrugged, so I got up and kissed her head again, then crouched down so she could get on my back to go downstairs. Ash and Sierra were already sat at the table having a coffee, so Gabi sat with them while I made us both some breakfast.

"Are you two off out today?"

"We are indeed,"

"I'm going to look human again," Gabi said, "I feel a bit like a corpse,"

"Oh bless you," Sierra said, "You're actually looking pretty good considering it all,"

"Pretty good is not enough,"

Amused, I put breakfast infront of her and sat opposite, watching her tuck in. It was good to see her feeling better, but was wary it might not last all day if she got too ahead of herself.

She took her medication, then Ash brought down some clothes for her and Sierra put her hair back in a loose braid for the facial. Then, I changed and grabbed my wallet, and took her out to the lift in the wheelchair.

To say I was excited to spend a day treating Gabi was an understatement. Spending my money on her was probably my worst habit, but it made her smile which made me smile.

Plus, pamper days weren't a thing we did loads, and I knew it would help massively at lifting her mood.

In the car, I let her have the aux, and drove us towards the spa Sierra had taken us a few times. Honestly this was all a good excuse for me to have some self care time too.

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