everything is going great.

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3 months later

"Dad I can't remember anything,"

"You're gonna be fine,"

"I can't do this,"

"Gabi, as long as you do your best, that's all you can do,"

She burst into tears, putting the toast down on her plate.

Exam season. It wasn't particularly fun.

"Hey, hey, hey," I said, cupping her chin with my hand, "You just have to do your best. If you get stuck, take five deep breaths, and have a go, or move on,"

"I'm stressed,"

"I know. But you have worked so hard, and I know that you will reflect that,"

I wiped her tears and picked her toast back up, nudging it against her lips. She took it, and took a small bite.

For the past couple of days, it had been exam central, and for the past couple of weeks her stress had been climbing. Mid week it was now at a peak.

"I am proud of you no matter what. You've not had an easy school year,"

"I need my medicine,"

I pushed it over and she took it, then went to put her shoes on while I cleared up.

Nothing much had changed recently. Maddox still came over frequently, Sierra and I were still going strong, and Gabi was recovering okay-ish from her surgery. She had been readmit a few times, but her energy levels were climbing.

And so was her stress.

Partly due to the readmissions to hospital, and partly because all of a sudden she had a lot more to manage. I did my best to give her some space though- I guessed that's what she wanted, for conversation was lacking when I tried.

We got in the car, she sat in silence, but I made sure she got through the school gates okay before I went to work. At least work was the opposite to home right now.


"Hey, Ash,"

"How's Gabi?"

"You don't wanna know,"

"Bless her, does she want company later?"

"She has another exam tomorrow,"

"Let me know when you're free. Busy day today?"

"Research project,"

"Nice! Me too. Meet me for lunch?"

I nodded, and left my bag in the staffroom before heading over to the labs. Me and and a few colleagues were picking up some research, which was pretty exciting, and a nice change. After being in the hospital so much in the last few months, I was much preferring the less hands on approach.

It kept me busy too. Each day went fast, and I was starting to feel like home life slowed down- it was a good balance, even if there was a lot of stress.

After a few hours, I grabbed lunch with Ashton, who spoke about his project. He got so excited about it all, and though I couldn't share it much, I liked to listen. I'd always liked to listen to Ash.



"Hey," she said, kissing my cheek as she sat beside me, "How is Gabi?"


"Her exam is done, isn't it? How is she?"

"I have no clue,"

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