Chapter Six

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It's been three days since the Arsenal game and I haven't heard from Christina. I shouldn't have mentioned her coming to Manchester. I'm an idiot.

"What has you sulking like that?", asks Phil when he sees me staring at my phone.


"So, lady trouble?"

"Sort of. I guess", I sigh. I explain the situation to him leaving some details out of the story.

"Why don't you come to dinner with me tonight? Becca can bring one of her friends, maybe? And that way you can forget about this girl that's ignoring you".

"I don't know, Phil", I say, thinking about the idea. I mean, it'd be good to try to forget about Christina, at least for a couple of hours, but I don't want to involve myself with friends of my teammates. "It can get messy, you know?"

"It'll be fine. I know the one you'll like".

I go back to my DMs to see my last message there, unanswered. And then I go to see the new story Christina has posted. Yet another one with her "non-boyfriend" Matty.

"Ok. Why not?"


Phil was actually right. Katie, Rebecca's friend, is great. She's really pretty and from the little we've talked, she seems really nice as well. A bit shy sometimes, but there's nothing wrong with that.

The four of us have a great time at dinner. When Phil and Rebecca leave, I don't know what to do. I don't want to scare Katie too by asking her to come to my place, but I also don't want her to think I'm not interested in her by just getting her a cab to go home.

Thankfully, she seems to read my mind and answers my doubts.

"So, maybe we could go to your place and have a drink or something?", she says quietly.

"I would like that", I tell her and get a taxi for the both of us.

We continue our conversation while sitting on my sofa. Now without any interruptions from Phil or Rebecca.

I can notice her shifting closer to me and I lift my hand to put a piece of her hair behind her ear. Her pupils dilate at my touch, and I take that as a sign to kiss her. She immediately kisses me back and I move her slowly so she's now laying on the sofa with me hovering over her.

I move from her lips to kiss her jaw and neck and can hear her softly moaning my name.

She starts to slowly unbutton my shirt and then touches my chest and abdomen, moving slowly towards my belt. But then she stops abruptly.

"What?", she says, sounding offended.

"What?", I say as well, confused as to why she stopped.

"You called me Christina", she says, frowning and making me widen my eyes.

"No I didn't. I called you Katie".

She pushes me away from her and stands up.

"Rúben, I can hear properly. The name you moaned was Christina, not Katie. Becca told me you wanted to get over a girl and it's clear you haven't already. So I better leave".

"No", I say and get up to stop her from leaving. "Please, I swear there's no Christina. You must have misheard or something".

"Rúben, stop it. I was having a great time with you but I'm not going to stay here so you fuck me while thinking I'm someone else. I have more dignity than that".

Was I going to do that? I mean, I can't stop thinking about Christina so maybe she's right.

"Katie", I say when she's already reached my door. "I'm sorry, really. You're right".

"Yeah, I'm sorry this ended like this too. Good luck with Christina, I guess".

"Thanks", I mumble when she closes the door behind her and leaves me alone. Not knowing what to think and not knowing what to do.


I'm half asleep by the time I make it to the office. Only I can stay up until 2 am reading a book having to go to work early the next day. It was a great book, though.

Thankfully, Matty brings some elixir of the gods, also known as coffee, for me.

"I could kiss you", I say, hugging the cup.

Seeing his face, I regret my words immediately. Those who haven't been in this situation just don't get how hard it is to know one of your best friends fancies you when you don't reciprocate the feelings. I want to treat him like just another friend, but even a joke as simple as that one can turn into something hurtful.

"So", I say trying to change the subject quickly. "Where am I being sent next?"

"Wait until Dom gets here. He has the list".

I pout and sip at my coffee while I get my laptop set up for work.

"The interview with your boyfriend Dias is being posted in half an hour, Chris. Tell him to post about it so we get more views", says Lewis, sitting next to me.

"How old are you again?"

"What? He's been liking your photos. And you went to the Emirates to see him play. Just putting two and two together".

I can see him looking at Matty trying to see his reaction. He really is an arsehole.

"You like my photos too. Are you going to ask me out? Because the answer is no. Save yourself the trouble", I tell him and can hear Matty's soft chuckle.

"I'm not a famous and rich footballer".

Well, that does it. I was trying to control myself with all the Rúben digs but I can't take that one.

"And what is that supposed to mean? Say it with your chest if you are so brave, Lewis!"

"I'm just saying. Girls like going out with those rich and famous footballers. You could benefit a lot from dating him. We all know your money problems and he could probably get you a better job than this crap one".

"You are disgusting", I spit at him.

"Just stating facts. Stop being so fucking sensitive. I've been in those seats you were at for Arsenal matches. That's for family and friends or people with a lot of fucking money. So you tell me which one of those things got your ass sitting in them".

"Her friend got those tickets, Lewis", says Matty, getting angry at Lewis' insinuations too.

"And you believe that?", he laughs.

"Just shut up, ok?", I tell him rubbing my temples, he'll give me a headache before 11.

"You didn't deny it", he says before leaving us to go get himself a cup of tea.

I shouldn't have let him get under my skin. He knew he could hurt both me and Matty if I took the bait and that's exactly what he did.

We work in silence until Dom gets to the office and tells me to go to his office to check the list of players I need to interview in the next couple of weeks.

"And because of all the great work you do, I managed to get you an interview with a Spurs player", he says smiling at me.

"Really?", I say matching his big smile. "Who? I mean, anyone is fine. That's incredible. Thanks!"

"I don't know yet, but they'll confirm the name in a couple of days".

"You're the best boss", I tell him, giving him a hug.

"I do my best".

When I get back to my place, I notice Matty doesn't ask me about what I talked about with Dom like he normally would. My heart sinks imagining what's going through his head.

And I confirm how bad it is when Lewis tells us Rúben has posted about the interview on his stories without any digs or jokes. Even he knows the damage is already done.

The journalist's footballer (Rúben Dias)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz