Chapter Eleven

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On Friday, I'm too excited about Christina's arrival. All my teammates are looking at me like I'm crazy. They never really see me like this.

"Are you ok?", asks John when we are getting ready to leave.

"Absolutely fine", I say with a big smile.

"Why are you smiling like that? You are scaring me".

I laugh. "Can I tell you a secret?"

"Sure", he says leaning down so I can tell him.

"Christina is coming to Manchester today".

Now he has a big smile too. "You lucky bastard. No wonder you can't wait to leave!"

"I mean, I don't even know if anything is going to happen between us but..."

"What? I assumed you invited her to, you know".

"No, it's not like that. I mean, I'd be happy if it was like that too but...I'm just letting her stay at my place to run away from some London problems for a second".

"Serious problems?", he asks.

"A fight with a friend. The one I thought was her boyfriend, actually. He is into her but she doesn't like him that way and, well, you know".

"Well, he'll love finding out she's staying with you. Even if nothing happens, anyone with half a brain will assume it did".

"I know".

A part of me wants him to find out, but it will only complicate things for Christina. So better if it stays between the two of us. And Sarah and John, I guess.

"You like her, don't you?"


"Christina", John says. "You like her. She's not just another girl. I can see it in the way you talk about her".

"Yeah", I mean, what's the point in hiding it?

"Well, good luck with her", he says with a wink before leaving.

I take my bags and go to my car. Christina's train won't get here for another hour. So I have time to go home and drop my things there to make room for her stuff. It's just three days but maybe she's one of those people who pack as if she was leaving for a month.

I spray some cologne on before leaving and check my outfit in the mirror 20 times because, again, why pretend? And I finally head to the station. Better to be early than late.

10 minutes after I get to the station, she's finally getting out of the train.

"Hey", she says, hugging me.

"Hi", I say, not wanting to let her go. "Good trip?"

"Yeah, pretty good. I got a lot of reading done".

"You'll need to give me some book recommendations one day", I say to her and with the way her face lights up, I know I gave her the perfect answer without even trying to.

The car ride home is totally different to the one after the interview. We still don't know each other that well, but it is easy to see she's a lot more comfortable now.

"Are you feeling better know, everything?", I ask, worried it's too early to touch that topic.

"Yeah, I guess I am. It's weird to go to work and be ignored by Matty but I can't really do much more. I've tried talking to him and he just goes back to the same thing. Me lying to him".

"I guess it's not easy to know your friend has feelings for you that you don't share".

"It isn't", she sighs.

I hope we don't get to that situation as well. Though I like to think I'll be a bit more mature than Matty never know.

"Anyway, what about you?"

"Me?", I say surprised at her question. "I'm good. No complaints".

"Have you been doing anything fun lately? Some dates or something?", she asks, looking away after she's done it.

"Not really. Just went out with some of the boys the other day. For dinner".


"Did I pass the test, then? Because that sounded like a test question", I say, making her laugh.



Rúben's apartment is incredible. He shows me around after taking my suitcase to the guest room where I'll stay.

"I thought we could go get some food for you now? Just have a look around the kitchen to see if there's something you like I don't have", he says, surprising me.

"Rúben, that's too much. I'll just eat whatever you already have. It already feels strange to do that, to be honest".

"Don't feel weird. I invited you. I need to feed you too", he laughs. "And I need to go buy some stuff anyway, so might as well use the trip for both things".

"Ok then, let's do a shopping list".

There are definitely a lot of things I like to eat that he doesn't have, but I only make a small list. No matter what he says, it's weird.

When I see him parking in front of a huge M&S I laugh remembering Sarah's comment. But then I realize I can't spend so much money on groceries.

"Can we go somewhere else?", I ask.

"Why? You don't like the food here?"

"No, I love the food here but it's a bit expensive", I admit.

"I'm paying for it, don't worry", he says, getting out of the car.

"What? No, Rúben, you're not!", I say, trying to catch him. Is he walking fast on purpose? My legs are shorter than his.

"Rúben!", I finally catch him and grab his arm. "You are not buying my bloody milk. I already feel bad about staying at your place and getting free tickets and all that stuff".

"Christina", he says, grabbing the hand that was still on his arm and holding it with both of his. "I get it. But think about it this way, if my mum finds out I had a guest and made her pay for her own food, she'll disown me".

He's pretending to be serious but I see him holding a laugh. I'm not strong enough and can't help laughing.

"You're so silly. Honestly".

"Take me or leave me", he says, raising both hands. "But that's who I am. Now let's go shopping. And I know that list is too small. Get whatever catches your eye. Don't be silly yourself".

When he leans down to say that last sentence, my heart flips. Why is he getting so close to me? But he just flicks my nose.

I bat his hand away from my face and leave him to go get a shopping cart.

20 minutes later, we are ready to pay for our shop. Sure, he's added some stuff he needed for himself but...damn, seeing that total gave me the shivers. That's how much I make in 3 weeks. Probably how much he makes in a minute.

On the way back home, Rúben asks me about who I'm interviewing next and I can't help but freak out telling him I'll interview Eric Dier soon.

"Is he your favourite Spurs player?"

"Um...not really. I think that's Son, but honestly, I love them all with all my heart", I say, making him laugh.

"I guess you'll be rooting against me soon, then. We are playing Spurs at home".

"I'll never talk to you again if you win", I joke, which only makes him laugh more.

"After that match you are going to the World Cup, right?"

"Yeah. If I get the call up for it", he says, showing some vulnerability, maybe?

"Oh, give me a break!", I say, rolling my eyes dramatically to make him laugh again. I can get used to hearing that sound often.

The journalist's footballer (Rúben Dias)Where stories live. Discover now