Chapter Nine

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"Hi Rúben, I didn't expect a call from you today".

"Hi", I say, not knowing what to say now she answered the phone. "I just wanted to make sure you were ok".

"Well, I could be better. But I am meeting my best friend soon to spend the day with her so ask me again tonight", she says with a little laugh.

"I will", and I mean it. "So, not a great day at the office?"

"No. Lewis actually surprised me by apologizing to me. But Matty...", she sighs. "That only got worse".

"Worse? How?"

"He just...he wasn't very nice to me", she says, and I can tell she is hiding something.

The words come out of my mouth before I can stop them.

"Why don't you come to Manchester this weekend?"


"To, you know, get away from London for a couple of days and, I'll be away most of the time. You could just stay in my place and then go to my match. I can get tickets for you".

"I don't know, Rúben".

"Screw what Matty or Lewis think, Christina. I'm inviting you as a friend", only half true. "And they don't need to know where you are. So no harm done".

"Can I give you an answer later?"

"Whenever you feel comfortable", I tell her and I imagine her smiling at my words when I hear her laugh.

"Thank you, Rúben. I'll talk to you later, ok?

"Yes. Have fun with your friend!"

"I will. Hope you have a good day too. Bye".


And now I need to wipe this stupid grin off my face before going to training.


Sarah and I finish our time at the spa in the sauna. I'm closing my eyes when she finally speaks.

"So, he invited you to stay in his place. Even when he isn't there".

"Yeah", I say, remembering the mixture of feelings Rúben's proposal arose in me.

"That's a lot of trust for someone he barely knows", she says and I nod. "He must really like you".

"Not you too!", I say with a groan.

That only makes her laugh.

"Baby, if someone can say this it's me. I won't be a dick about it. Unlike some..."

"You never liked Matty. You must be loving this", I say, half-joking.

"I know you are joking because you know well I won't like anything that hurts you but I told you a hundred times. That friendship was going to end in disaster. If it was you liking him, it could be fine. But a man accepting a woman doesn't like him and she's free to like others? Ha! Unheard of".

"But why can't that happen?", I say, annoyed. "He is always so good to me. Helping me, supporting me, ...why can't he just...I don't know".

"He's nice to the part of you he knows. You have to hide things from him all the time, just so he won't get hurt and most of the time it's just stupid things. Remember the time he got jealous because he saw you having lunch with my brother?"

I do. Sarah's brother is like a brother to me. Just the idea of us being together makes us gag.

"And how nice is he really? I feel like every time he does something for you, it comes with a demand".

We've had this conversation many times before. And she isn't completely wrong but I just value my friendship with Matty too much. He's been there for me since my move to London.

"Well, whatever happens, happens. I'm too tired of all of them pissing me off", I say.

"And that's why you should say yes to Rúben's offer!", she says, beaming.

"I don't know..."

"Chris, babe, look at it this way. If you go there as friends, you get a weekend off at a footballer's place, which I'm going to assume is quite nice and full of expensive M&S food and stuff like that. And if something else happens...then you are a lucky bitch and I'll hate you if you don't tell me every single detail".

I laugh. And she can see it in my face. I'm going to say yes.

The journalist's footballer (Rúben Dias)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن