Chapter Sixteen

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"You are a bit sweaty", she laughs when she gets out of the hug.


"You are going to the hotel now, then?"

"Yes. We'll have lunch first and then go there", I tell her. Feeling like I just want to keep talking so she doesn't have to leave.

"Well, have fun. I'll go visit your city. See how I like it".

It's so good to see her smiling.

We awkwardly say our goodbyes and I go have a shower.

"Is she doing better?", asks John when he sees me getting ready to shower.

"I think so", I say with a smile.

"Good", he says, patting my shoulder.

When we get to the hotel, Rodri and I go to our room and watch some movies to relax. I keep on checking IG because Christina is literally addicted to posting on her stories. But I don't mind it at all. It means I get to see her when she's not with me.

She's also posted a photo of her at the park. The sun is hitting her face and she looks stunning. I like it immediately.

When I go to see the comments, I see Sarah has written one: "You are so gorgeous! Manchester agrees with you ;)".

I send a follow request to Sarah, who has a private account, and she accepts immediately. A couple of minutes later, I see she's sent me a DM.

"Thanks for looking after Christina today. It means a lot to me knowing she's in safe hands =)".

I send her a quick response and lock the phone with a smile on my face.


I actually have a great time in Manchester. I think, in a sense, getting that call from Matty was a blessing in disguise. It hurts, but it's also shown me how right Sarah was. And how stupid I was.

Why should I waste my time crying for someone who has no problem doing things to hurt me when I can just enjoy my time with the people who care for me. I could have easily used so many things to hurt Matty back. I mean, I slept in Rúben's apartment last night. Just saying that would have broken his heart. But I didn't, because that's the difference between him and me. I actually cared about him.

I do a whole tour. I visit Old Trafford because I've never been there. And Rúben reacts to that story with sad emojis. He can be so silly.

I then go to a few places I wanted to visit and end up at a bookstore. What a shock! I pick up a book they have in the sale section and decide to go get a coffee. I spend half an hour at the coffee place reading before I realise it's getting dark outside. So I make my way back home.

Rúben bought so much food I don't know what to make. So I call Sarah.

"Hello, beautiful lady. What are you doing?"

"Trying to pick what to have for dinner. There are too many options", I say, frowning.

"Show me the fridge then", she says and I turn the camera so she can see.

"The salmon! Cook the salmon!", she says excitedly. "And there are sweet potatoes so there you go. Perfect dinner!"

"Ok", I shrug. Happy I don't have to make the decision myself.

I stay on facetime with her while I cook. Just telling her about my afternoon.

"Sarah, there is something I didn't tell you"

"Omg, you kissed!", she screams.

"What? No!!", I say, laughing at her conclusion. "It's not Rúben related".

"Oh", she pouts. "What is it then?"

"I was kind of offered a job today?"

"A job? Where? How?"

"At City. Tom, the guy from the media team that was with me during training told me he would love to hire me".

"Wow", she says, smiling widely. "That's great, right? Bigger than the job you already have".

"Yeah", I sigh. "But in Manchester".

"What's the problem with that?"

"Really, Sarah? It's further away from home, it's a city I don't really know,'s a cool opportunity but it scares me a bit".

She seems to think for a second.

"I mean, you are right but it's not that far away. It's not another country, you know? I'm happy to visit you there and with a better job and a cheaper place to live in, you could visit your parents more often, maybe". That's a good point. "And you don't really know the city, sure. But you wouldn't be alone there".

"I guess".

"I bet Rúben would be ecstatic to have you living there and working for City", she laughs.

"Or he might hate the idea".

"Ask him, then", she dares me. "Or I can ask him now that we are IG friends".

I roll my eyes at her comment. "I'll think more about it first".

We talk for a little longer. Having a dinner date on facetime.

And then I take a quick shower and go to bed. It makes me sad to think I'll be back in my apartment tomorrow. No more tears or sad thoughts. I have to make tomorrow count.


The next morning I wake up early again and decide to do some yoga before breakfast. I could use the movement.

Thirty minutes into the workout, I realize this isn't enough. So I put on my running shoes and go out for a run.

As it usually happens, it started raining in the middle of my run. This means I get back to Rúben's completely soaked. I take a quick photo to put on my stories later and jump in the shower.

When I get out, I check my phone only to find a message from Matty. A simple "I'm sorry". Is he having a laugh? He thinks he can say all those things to me and then a simple sorry will fix it? I guess he does because it's happened before. But I'm not that idiot anymore. I lock my phone and go make myself some breakfast.

The journalist's footballer (Rúben Dias)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن