Chapter Two

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Why did I offer to drive her to the station? It's not on my way home and it'll probably make me late for my date. But I just, I don't know, I wanted to spend some more time with Christina. Time I should be using to talk to her but we are both a bit awkward in the car. I guess that's what happens when two strangers are put in a closed space together.

"So, are you from London?", I ask, trying to break the ice.

"Yeah", she says, almost surprised to hear me talk. "Well, kinda. I left London when I was 10 because my family moved to Brighton but now I'm back".

"Nice. Do you like being back?"

"Sure", she sighs. "I mean, it's a great place. Fantastic for my job but, well, it has its problems as any other place".

"What do you mean?", I ask, genuinely curious.

"It's really fucking expensive", she laughs. "Not that living in Brighton was cheap but it was my parents paying the rent there, not me", she says with a shrug.

She notices I don't know how to answer to that and chuckles.

"It's ok", she says. "I'll survive. Plus, you saved me 30 quid today driving me to the station. I'll treat myself to a coffee in your honour".

I laugh. "Good to know. How about I buy you another coffee next time we see each other?"

I notice her hesitation. Great, I made her uncomfortable with that comment.

"Sure", she says in a small voice.

Before I have time to say anything else, we make it to the station. Christina grabs her bags and turns to look at me.

"Thanks for driving me here. It was very nice of you. I'll even have time to buy something to eat before the next train".

"Not a problem. Have a good trip back home".

"Thanks. Hope you have a good rest of your day too. Any fun plans?", she asks and I freeze. I completely forgot about my plans once I started to talk to her.

"Um, yeah. I'm meeting a...friend later", I say, and can see her face changing.

"Oh, cool", she says, clearly not meaning it. "Well, you have fun with your...friend. Thanks again. I better go".

"Bye", I say, but she has started to walk to the station. I look at her figure disappearing in the distance.

I really hope I get to see her again. But I'm not so sure it'll happen now.


Twenty minutes into the train ride I give up trying to read and call my best friend Sarah.

"Hey, my love. You back?", she asks.

"No, still on the train from Manchester", I sigh.

"Right! You were there for work today. How did it go?"

"It was good, I guess".

"Was the player you interviewed nice?"

Well, that's a good question. Was Rúben nice? Yeah, really nice. But then he just confused me, talking about buying me drinks and such. Only to tell me how he was meeting a friend after dropping me at the station. A lady friend, one would assume by his tone. Probably a model.

But sure, he'll want to grab a coffee with me. I guess he was just trying to be polite. I shouldn't read more into that.

"He was ok, yeah. He let me take a photo with him to promote the interview. Last time I asked a player to do that, he almost bit my head off".

"Send me the photo", she says.

"Ok, wait", I tell her, sending her the photo and waiting for the obvious reaction to seeing it.

"Jesus, Christina", she says. "You could have told me how hot he was".

I laugh. "But then I would have missed that reaction".

"What's his name? What's his IG? Why isn't he my boyfriend?"

"Well, his name is Rúben Dias. I don't remember his IG, but I'm guessing you can find it by typing his name. And he isn't your boyfriend because he is going on dates with other women", I say before realising I probably shouldn't have added that last bit.

"How do you know about his dates? Are you stalking him?", she laughs.

"Ha ha. No. I just wished him a good day and asked if he had any plans and he told me he had a date", he didn't really mention a date but whatever.

"Right. Well, someone who looks like that probably has a different date every day", she giggles.

"Yeah, probably...", I say with another sigh.

"You okay, babe?", I can hear the worry in her voice. She's such a mama bear.

"Yeah, just tired. Can we meet sometime soon and have a pamper day? I need it!!"

"I'll clear my calendar for you. Unless this Rúben lad calls me. Have you seen his IG? I need a cold shower now!"

"Traitor", I say pretending to be offended.

"Kidding. You are always my number 1. I'll see you soon, yeah? Love you".

"Love you too. Bye!"

And so I try to go back to my book but quickly realise it's pointless. So I go on IG and look for Rúben's profile.

The journalist's footballer (Rúben Dias)Where stories live. Discover now