"Then, she threw it t-to me." Sunoo gasped out of shock.

"That bitch-" He bit his lips. "Continue."

"She said that the coffee was as disgusting as me. And my unlucky self, I accidentally dropped the glass mug. And your dad said that he would deduct it to my salary."

"Don't worry, I'll tell this to dad, maybe I can convince him not to." Sunoo said.

I just nodded at him. "Now tell me, what happened to your hand?"

"I g-got a cut from the shard of the mug while cleaning it." I looked down, in embarrassment.

"Ya, you're so clumsy. You should be more careful next time-"

I frowned in confusion as he got distracted by something.

Sunoo's POV

I halted my mouth as a notification echoed in my phone.

Minji_Choi posted a photo in the facebook group.

I clicked the notification and the phone started screening the post.
I gasped at my sight.



:Ugly bully Lee Mika working? Pathetic!

What the hell?! I glanced at Mika to see her in a daze. I switched my eyes back on my phone.

I pushed the comment section and scrolled.




:POOR HER....... NOT







I decided to stop scrolling as it keeps getting worse. What should I do?
I turned off my phone.

"What's that?" Mika asked me suddenly.

"Uhh just s-something, my alarm went off." I lied to her.

She furrowed her eyebrows, looking unconvinced.

"I'm so h-hungry! I'll buy us something." I changed the topic as to avoid the situation.

"Okay." Mika said.


I stood up and entered the convenience store. I sneaked a look to her by the window and quickly hid in an aisle.

I dialed our groupchat without Mika.
Luckily, all of them picked up.

"Everyone saw it?" I said in a whispering tone.

"Yeah. That shit really is getting in my nerves." Sullyoon frustratedly stated.

"What should we do?" Jake asked everyone.

"Let's keep an eye to her. Does she know?" Heeseung asked me.

"No. But she might see it later." I said.

"I heard Minji's hosting a party in her house this weekend." Jake changed the topic.

"Who cares? We aren't going." Heeseung sternly said.


Mika's POV

I saw it. I hate it.

My bed is wet from sweating so bad from anger.

"Mika. You shouldn't think about this. You have better priorities in life." I confronted myself.

"You are not crying." I said as I felt hot fluid flowing down my cheek.

"You are a strong girl. You are tired now. Just sleep. Forget it." I convinced myself.

I laid my head to my pillow and tuck myself. I closed my eyes and soon went to my dream land.


"It's Kim's Cafe, ready to deliver. What would you like to order?" I said in the telephone. I was in charge of the deliveries for today.

"I'd like 200 cups of coffee. 50 espressos, 50 lattes, 50 cappucinos, and 50 frappes."

I was confused of how large this order is. I scratched my head as the caller's voice was familliar.

"name of receiver?"

"Gosh you don't know me? It's me. Choi Minji, duh?" Fuck you.

"Um- location of drop off?" I said in a low tone.

"To my mansion, I'll send the coordinates. I need it by 6 in the evening." The call dropped and I was left in shock.

200 coffees?! Are you high in caffeine or something? I frowned in confusion.


Minji's order was quiet..... fishy.

Stay tune for the exciting part! Peace!

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