Although she tries to avoid, Taeyeon cannot escape it as she awkwardly receives a white balloon.

Her eyes roam around the surroundings that she had long not seen. Every space her eyes lay on, there'd be people laughing and smiling.

One person on this side is betting their fortune on games. Meanwhile, the other side is enjoying snacks and street foods.

Completely two different amusement, but they still feel the same delight.

"What do you want to play first?" Taejoon asks.

"Em," Taeyeon hesitates.

To be honest, everything looks so fun.

She wants to toss the ball into the cup, although she knows she will mess it up. She wants to catch a fish using the magnetic rod, although it is only as big as her palm. She wants to shoot points out to receive teddy bears.

She wants it all, but she doesn't feel like it.

The sight of having to play in front of others who might be watching her play, she could break a cold sweat just by the thought of it.

Some people won't understand this.

"How about we play at a booth that has no people?" Taeyeon suggests, flashing an awkward grin towards Taejoon.

Taejoon laughs as he nods agreeably. He doesn't want to persistently push her, it will be too exhausting. Some things should be taken slowly. "Okay, let's start from the end."

Taeyeon smiles when they walk passes a variety of fun booths. Although this type of carnival is common, it is the best place to spend time with friends and family. One can play together, eat and talk about anything.

She used to love it.

She used to love gatherings and places where people belonged to be loud and noisy.

She still remembers how her dad would carry her on his back and run around, how her mom would make sure she wouldn't be hungry despite playing for twenty-four hours, and how Taejoon would tease her by leaving her alone on the horse of the merry-go-round.

Unconsciously, she smiles at the thought of it.

"Taeyeon," Taejoon calls her name. He notices that she is walking in the warmest mood, as if she is going down the memory lane. "Do you want a cold beverage before we start playing?"

Taeyeon quickly nods at the question. She has been sweating due to the hot weather.

"Okay, I'll get you one. You can wait there," says Taejoon, pointing at the empty bench under the peepal tree.

Taeyeon flashes a grin before she steps away. Before she could sit, a man with a grey shirt and ripped jeans approached her.

"Hello." He bows politely as he greets Taeyeon. "Can you help me?"

Taeyeon freezes for a moment, not expecting that she would have to deal with a stranger as soon as Taejoon left, "Erm... hello." She quickly bows back.

"H-help you with?"

"My car key slips down the seat, and I need a thin wrist to reach it. I've tried using things, but they wouldn't be able to grip it. My key doesn't have a keychain," The man explains.

Taeyeon nods understandably. As much as she wants to help, it still doesn't feel right to be alone with someone she doesn't know. Her eyes then look around, wishing for her brother's figure to show up even from a distance.

Watching Taeyeon not responding, the man shortly smiles and says, "It's okay if you can't. I can find other people."

"No, no," Taeyeon quickly opposes as guilt starts to trip her. She looks at him in the eyes, hesitating for a few seconds before she continues, "Y-yeah, okay. I can help you." 

"Thank you so much," The man says before he bows again.

After agreeing to help, Taeyeon follows the vicenarian man to his car, which parks quite far from the carnival. Along the walk, they exchange a few conversations that at least put Taeyeon at ease. Still, she speeds up her walking pace, wishing she could get back as soon as possible.

As they arrive at a black sedan car, he opens the back door, and she can see another man sitting with his back leaning on the seat.

He shortly turns his head, exchanging gaze with Taeyeon for a few seconds.

And that is before she drowned in an unpleasant scent of chloroform as she slowly closed her eyes to the pitch black void beneath her.


- To be continued. -

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