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𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝟔
간과 낙엽 Time And Fallen Leaves


Because of the unending sunny day, Taeyeon chooses to wear a red knit crop top with long blue wide-leg jeans and a white cap, covering the top of her wavy black hair. She then applies sunscreen all over the exposed skin before she steps outside.

She flashes herself one last time in front of the mirror, smiling at Taejoon's gift around her neck before she closes the door.

Today too, she is unwillingly forced to go outside. What makes it worse is that they'll be going to the carnival.

Again, a carnival.

The place where everything is distant and far away from peaceful resonance.

Although, in the end, she agrees to whatever he plans, Taeyeon still finds it burdensome. Those calm days where she would just lay down with books and have some tea or cake for desserts have involuntarily disappeared.

Even if Taeyeon begs by going down on both of her knees, Taejoon would tell her to read her books at any cafe or library.

She sighs at every activity that slowly becomes her regular schedule now.

The edge of Taeyeon's lips curls upwards, almost laughing as Taejoon opens the car door for her in the most gentlemanly manner.

"Mind your head, princess," Taejoon adds a cheeky comment before he closes the door and hops in the seat next to Taeyeon.

During the whole short trip to the festival, not even one second passes with silence. She has heard a lot from him, but Taejoon still has thousands to tell.

"I will come and visit you from now on," Taeyeon suddenly utters, making Taejoon almost steps on the brake pedal.

"Y- yeah," Taejoon stutters. He had invited her over a few times, but he did it because he knew she wouldn't want it. It never crossed his mind that she would voluntarily suggest. "I told you many times you should come."

"Yeah, we'll see."

Unexpectedly, a few minutes passed without any voice coming out from Taejoon. His brain is processing every possible event that he should be prepared for. Taeyeon should never know his doings.


Taejoon quickly jumps into reality, not wanting Taeyeon to suspect anything. He abruptly changes the topic to hot weather, and innocently, Taeyeon just nods along with every statement.

It only takes 30 minutes to reach the carnival, and everyone can tell that Taeyeon isn't happy. She wants to stay in the car as long as possible. The sight of crowds full of adults, teenagers, and kids enjoying the carnival made her heave a deep regretful sigh.

Taejoon chuckles as he turns off the car's engine. He knows Taeyeon still can't adapt herself to strangers, but he will keep trying until she gets used to it.

It has only been a week. There's a lot more to come.

"Let's go."


The carnival's main entrance, which is located next to a bank river, is undeniably attractive with its colorful ornaments.

A giant banner with '그냥 즐겨 Carnival' written on it is hanging up by the wire. There are also four people taking care of the entrance while giving out free balloons to people.

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