Chapter 5

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Dear diary,

I feel so bad about lying to Kyle! He's a great guy and I know I shouldn't be lying to him like this but I'm too scared to tell him the truth. Besides, he's having a rough time dealing with my family right now so I can't tell him, IF I ever tell him it will be when we're back in the US

Oh and on top of all that, I'm sick! I think I caught the flu or something, I don't even know. So I spent most of my time watching movies with my brothers, Lola and Kyle while my mom and dad go do things with Sammy so I can't get him sick.

Today Liam's picking Sammy up, I don't know what he has planned but I'm scared. Not because he'll do a bad job, no, I'm scared because I know Liam will do a great job at babysitting Sammy and I'm scared that they're going to bond and that'll mean that I'm going to have to tell Sammy the truth. Oh who am I kidding? I have to tell Sammy either way. He's probably going to love having a daddy but Kyle...

I'm a bad girlfriend, aren't I?

Anyways, I need to go, I think I heard the doorbell.



I put my diary away before standing up and walking down stairs to open the door. You'd think that with 7 people in the house someone else besides the sick girl would open the door, but no, it had to be me of course.

“He-, wow you look like crap.”

I rolled my eyes before sarcastically replying “Good morning to you too, Liam.” I took a step aside to let him come in and closed the door behind him.

“Lola! Liam's here! Where's Sammy?” I yelled at the bottom of the stairs.

Not much later my younger sister walked down the stairs with Sammy in her arms. “Hey Li!” she greeted with a big smile.

“Hey Lola. Hi Sammy!” Liam said with a bright smile as he took Sammy from Lola's arms.

“Aria, no offence but you look like a zombie. Shouldn't you be in bed?”

I frowned and crossed my arms “Yes but someone had to open the door considering you're all to busy to hear the doorbell.”

“Well excuse me but Sammy wanted to wear his batman shirt and I was looking for it, clothes before doors, sis.” Lola giggled softly before running back up the stairs.

“So where are you taking him?” I then asked Liam.

“My place, we're going to do a toy story marathon.”

“Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!” Sammy squealed, he loved toy story, I suppose it's genetics.

I put up a small smile but I couldn't help but feel a sharp pain going right through me. Maybe it was because he and I always watched those movies together and I finally realised how much I actually missed him. Or maybe it was just another least that's what I'm telling myself.

“Let's go Sammy.”

“Bye, mommy.” he said, waving his small hand at me, making me smile once again.

“Bye, love.” I said smiling. “Don't bring him home too late, though.”

Liam looked at me and nodded “Of course, he'll be home on time. Don't worry, Aria, everything will be fine. Now you should go to bed because you look really bad.”

“Thanks for the compliment.” I replied sarcastically, why was everybody nagging me about how I looked? Hello, I'm sick, remember? “Bye Liam.”

Hey guys! Here's chapter 5, I really hope you like it! Give me some feedback, will ya? Oh and also chapter 6 will be up once I get 5 likes, I know you can do it ;)

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