Chapter 13

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I'm chasing her through the beach under the moonlit sky. She's wearing a long red dress with black high heels in her hand and her long hair is floating in the wind as she's sprinting. There's music playing in the distance.

I can't put my finger on it, but it's the same song we
danced to when we were at the art museum. When I finally catch up to her, we collapse on the sand together and I climb over on top of her. It's a little chilly, and the waves crash amongst the coasts.

She's laughing and I'm laughing and all of the weight on my shoulders left when she reaches her hand up and guides it to her stomach. She's wearing the friendship bracelet I got for all those years ago. I raised my eyebrows as we felt the baby move in her stomach. My face went blank as I smiled and kissed her cheek.

We start making out until someone calls us from a distance. "Time for the special dance!"  I help her up and brush the sand off of her dress and we head back to the light where everyone is. There's a crowd of people, flowers everywhere, cake, and I see my parents and Owen with some girl chatting by the presents. Everyone looks happy.

When we got home, I unlocked the door to a white cottage. I let her in first as I'm holding her purse and heels. She turns on the hallway light and in the center of the living room is a big white piano. The walls are a bright gray, and the blue furniture sits in front of a brick fireplace. I walk into the kitchen and ask her if she wants something to eat and she tells me she's full, while hugging my waist and kissing my back.

I turn around and pick her up as I walk down a hallway with one room that says "Nursery," with a baby goat on it. She opens the door next to it for me and I sit her on the bed.

"I'm going to run some bath water," I told her as I took my shoes and shirt off and as soon as I looked in the mirror at my Muscles and tattoos, I woke up.


I look over at the clock and it's 1AM. My mom must have come and picked me up from the hospital since I was too tired. I rub my eyes and crash my head back onto the pillow, thinking of the dream I just had and why it was so visual. So colorful. I think of her curly hair, her big smile, and the friendship bracelet she had on and before I knew it, I'm crying. I'm bawling my eyes out and screaming because it was Imani.

We were getting married and having a baby and the big white cottage she's always wanted- it's just all too much. It's like everything I've been holding in, everything I've been trying to hide is coming up to the surface and I can't breathe.

I hear my door open as Owen rushes to my bed and pauses before he sees me breaking down. He rushes to my bed and holds me in his arms. "What's wrong?" He asks, "What happened?"

"She's going to die!" I screamed with a bowl of tears rushing down my face. Owen cups my face and it makes me look up at him. "Who's going to die?" He asks in a softest tone.

"Imani! She's going to die, and I won't have anybody anymore!" I sniff and catch my breath. "And the- then I had this dream where we got married and I sa- saw you with another girl and we all looked so happy!"

Owen then starts to tear up himself. He's still looking me in the eyes as I bury my face in his chest. He holds me even tighter, hearing me cry and sniff.

"Everything's going to be okay," he whispers as he holds me tight. "It all hurts so much Owen."

At this point, the tears stop pouring down and all I feel is emptiness as if someone drained the tears right out of me.

"I know. I know it hurts but you got to be strong for her, okay? I know she'll want you to be strong."

"She has two days. Two days," I say more to myself than him. How will I ever move on?

He doesn't say anything and instead he plays with my hair. We sit like that for a while and then my eyes begin to drift off to sleep.


My mom called the school and told them that I'm going to be sick for the next week, so I have to do my work at home. Although when I get back, I have to take the STAAR test because summer is coming up. Owen made me my favorite breakfast in bed. Blueberry pancakes, scrambled eggs with a big class of chocolate milk. My eyes were dark red due to the crying last night and my face is all red.

"Eat up," he says as he opens my door and hands it to me. When he began to leave, I said, "Wait." He turned around. "Yeah?"

"Don't tell mom about what happened last night, okay? I don't want her worrying about it too much."

He smiles and nods as he walks out.

At the hospital, Imani and I didn't talk much, nor did I tell her about the dream I had.  She wore a long blue gown with her hair up. She looks really different, and I notice now that her breathing is harder. We just laid there on her bed watching a small tv that was playing the show "Friends," and thunder starting to strike. Later on, her mom came in with dinner. She brought me Canes and a food smoothie for Imani. She can't eat properly, so it has to be blended.

We both ended up falling asleep and when I woke up, it was pouring out. I'm holding her hand and she's laying on my shoulder. This is the day. This is the day where it ends. Her doctor asked me to step outside so he could check her blood pressure and heart rate.

A few minutes later, he walks out of the room with a sad look on his face, but when he glances over at me, he smiles just a little. When I walk back in, Imani's face lightens up when she sees me, but I can tell she wants to cry. I walked over to her bed and intertwined her fingers with mine.

"I thought you left," she whispers. I hold her hand. "I'm going to be here, okay? I'm going to be here until it's time. My mom is coming too and everything's going to be okay."

She doesn't say anything and instead she squeezes my hand back.

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