Chapter 12

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It's been 2 days since I've seen Imani. She says it's not a good time for me to come over since her family is there, but we've been facetiming every night before we go to bed.

It seems like she's doing okay for now, but she told me that it's getting worse every day and the doctors can't do anything about it. I try to avoid the fact that God is taking her away from us so soon. Some days I'll just be doing the dishes or riding my bike and think: Why her?

I wish she would have finished high school at least. We've been wanting to go to the same college for years. I've always wanted to start a family with someone, but now that It's not going to be with her, what even is the point?'

I snap back into reality when everyone rises from their seats and cheers. Owen made a touchdown once again. I stand up to clap too when my dad sits next to me holding a burger and a drink in his hand. "What did I miss?"

"He made a touchdown," I yell.

This is the last game of the season and if they win this one, they will make it to the playoffs.

I'm really proud of my brother, and one thing I love about him is how competitive he is. Owen used to get into a lot of fights last year and it got bad. So bad to the point that the boy's family almost pressed charges. This wasn't long after the breakup with Hannah. I've really got to see him change over the months. He's now quiet and calm like I am and sometimes I wonder where all that anger went.

I tap my mom on the shoulder and tell her I was going to go to the restroom. At first, I hesitated to stand up because there were so many people here, but I finally got the confidence to.

As I'm walking to the bathroom, my face almost flushes when I see Edward. The hallway light is flickering and the crowd is roaring in the background, I almost didn't hear him when he said, "I see the bruises healed up pretty good."

I try to ignore him and walk away back to the stands. I don't even have to use it anymore, I just want to get out of here, but he stops pulls my shoulder and says, "Sad how you went home and cried to your parents like a fucking baby." Edward then starts to mock me and fake cry. "Your crackhead mom pressed charges. My parents beat my ass cause' of that."

I turn around with an enraged look on my face.

"What the hell did you just call her?" Edward raises his eyebrows. "Oh do I need to say it again? Crack. Head."

Without hesitating this time, I swing my arm and punch him in the nose. He falls onto the ground and that's when I climb on top of him with full rage and punch him again.

And again. And again. I felt like choking him until his face turned purple, until he blacked out, but I didn't want to get in trouble for this. When I felt like I did enough damage, I grabbed him by his shirt and said, "Don't call my mom a crackhead ever again, you hear me? When he doesn't answer, I yell it this time.

"DO YOU FUCKING HEAR ME ASSHOLE?" he immediately nods in fear. His nose is all bloody,lip is busted, and I'm pretty sure I gave him a black eye just like he did to me. I get off of him and walk off.

I sat down between my mom and dad for the rest of the game like it was nothing, but a wave of pride washes over me like I defeated Godzilla.


"No way you did that!" Says Imani.

I'm facetiming her on my laptop and she's sitting up in her hospital bed. Her hair is wet and up in a bun and her cheeks look way slimmer. She says she's been losing weight because of her loss of appetite and the medicine makes her feel sick. I just wish there's an easier way to help her liver since she's been feeling like crap now.

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