Chapter 34

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walking down the streets, Val and Cyrus started seeking clues

thoughts of each person, and each memory they tried and find, but they had to stop at a coffee shop to rest, they were losing too much energy and blood, Cyrus felt like his brain was about to explode, while Val felt so dizzy after having a full-on flashbang of each memory

"dude, check my pulse or something, I think I'm about to pass out, I'm serious-" Val said, leaning backward to her seat, Cyrus sighed "I don't get it...yesterday, there was a clue, but now...I don't understand, as if it disappeared for no reason, plus there's no way the guy knows I read his thoughts..." Cyrus groaned "damnit...if we don't move soon and find him, we're all damned"

he said, Val rolled her eyes "shit...we should've, brought Xinyi with us..." she said, "I think we should continue tomorrow, there's still none in a few days...than Micheal the bitch isn't on this island, plus the dude is so far away from us" she said, "there's a chance...that he somehow found us and is now spying on us...didn't you already removed his spell to eins eyes?" She nodded

"already did"

"hey remember Eins mom?" 

"what about her?" Val asked "when I got on their little 'trap' found out she got killed and shit since Micheal's plan didn't work out last year...he used her energy and soul, to revive some of his new bodies scars," he said, Val's eyes widened "shes dead? like- permanently? what about Zach?" she asked Cyrus leaned a little "so uhh, about him he became his little pet-" 

Val flushed red "ayo...for real?" she leaned back Cyrus did the same and nodded "yep...what surprised me is...he helped me escape, and he didn't get caught by him... I stayed a little more to see if he'd catch Zach betraying him a little but...he didn't and raged out of the room they were in, then that was my cue to leave" 

Cyrus finished his story and took a sip out of his cup, Val was also surprised, she didn't check his memory that time, but now she wanted to see it, but she shook it off

till they were interrupted


both of them gasped, and slowly looked to their side, to see a wolf, his hair looks fluffy so does his tail, Cyrus blushed red "Xinyi?!" Val screamed, but the crowd didn't pay any attention "Hi~" the man said "hello to you too" He looked at Cyrus who was frozen "Cyrus~" he said and Cyrus flinched "dude what the heck- I- since when??" she bubbled

"Since yesterday," he said and smiled, Xinyi can smell auras, following them till he finds the person 

especially at night, everything for him was beautiful, every night flows of different colors floated around each street, food doesn't have an aura for him, but some animals do, his both eyes were different, the other is bright yellow, while the other one was black "so what ya both talking?" he asked "well~ remember bitchy Mick?" he stared confused "Micheal" "oh-" 


within an hour, Val got her hyper energy back, and Xinyi decided to help them find the person who they were looking for, it took them a while, till Cyrus used his ability again, Telling Xinyi about it, now knowing what kind of color it was, they followed the man till he was trapped in a corner

the guy himself, was...not afraid? there was no reaction, just emptiness, till Val realized, so she used her ability and looked at the man's memory 

"what the actual fuck?..." Val said, after the flashback "what is it?" Xinyi asks "holy fuck...he's planning on taking everyone's soul here on the island in one hit, shit he already has his shitty rats around the island-" as she was about to turn on them, the man they cornered vomited, black liquid

his soul being sucked away, Xinyis eyes widened "he...did he just suck out all his life energy?...even his Aura... it's gone," he said terrified "Fuck- shit- we gotta warn the others-" she said, Cyrus grabbed her

"are you crazy? we cant just outta tell all of them that eins here, Alive and walking," he said, she groaned "fuck the secret identity, we gotta tell them, plus they are already suspicioned about it anyway," she said, "uhm...guys? the hell is our ground fucking black? like a circle around us?" 

Xinyi said, his eyes then widen, there were a lot of ravened Aura mixed with toxic green smoke

Three arms emerged through the ground, cornering the three of them Val was ready to slice them, till they were disturbed by a huge slash

turning around Lucinda was here with fire in hand "Okay...enough with games Val" she said, Luci looked piss

"Tell, me, Everything." 

with that, Val gulped, and smiled nervously "alright...aha...haha" Val said in such a small tone

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