Chapter 20

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While everyone was preparing dinner Ein was sitting with no one but his phone he decided to look through media videos to distract himself 

to be honest, he wasn't ready to have any conversation with aphmau, he sighed as he watched everyone do their things Ein didn't know what to do but to stay put 

once dinner was set, they finally eat

small talks were made, and questions were heard but not answered, Val only helped to check if they tried putting any weird shit on Eins plate it was a relief when there were none

the dinner was finally over this time Ein goes to help clean up,  making the job much faster, the three girls suddenly stopped asking anything that can trigger Ein, Val doesn't get why, but she didn't question it and lets it slide

it was all fun, till they decided to suggest to Aaron that they both can stay for tonight's sleepover they said 

Val and Ein didn't have any energy to complain so they agreed to stay, there was a guest room that the both of them can sleep on for tonight

the three girls wanted Val to join them in their room, she hesitated at first, but when she looked at Aaron who was talking with Ein she sighs and gave in

they both stayed for tonight, surprisingly, Ein didn't show up to the guest room, turns out Aaron asked him to stay in his room 'Again' if Ein wasn't comfortable sleeping alone, since earlier Val and he had a convo about Ein she tells him that sometimes

Ein has random nightmares Val didn't tell him about what Eins nightmares were but it was enough for Aaron to ask him to sleep in his room tonight

while Val was stuck with the other three.


once the morning sun rises Aaron was the first to wake up making breakfast for all of them

the day seemed normal, a little too normal

the morning was silent, they were eating peacefully, Aaron told Ein to wash and he lets Ein borrow some of his spare clothes

Val and Ein said their thanks and goodbyes to all four of them and left

Val got a call that his brother was finally found making her have a breakdown full of tears of joy at the doorway of her apartment

they both decided to visit him later, while putting on some clothes Ein asks Val

"how come you have an apartment and a house?" Val sighed, "I and my brother clearly couldn't agree on the same thing so... when you were healing, we were at his house, while this apartment belongs to me, as an Extra, just in case one of us goes broke or something" 

she says, still fixing some of her clothes "so we're moving back in again?" he asks 

Val nodded "yep, but will it be okay if I could visit him first? he was still in the hospital, I'll say hi to him for you," she says, Ein raises a brow but ignores it, "sure, and thanks"

when Val finishes fixing her hair, she finally leaves to visit her brother

Ein was alone again

he sighs and sits on the couch he thinks for a while

and decided to have a short hour nap, he was feeling a little lazy so maybe a nap would help


opening his eyes he saw Val at the door talking to someone over the phone, he sat up carefully and yawned, looking at the time it was already afternoon, seems like time has ran fast when he looks back at Val, her expression changed into worry

"you alright?" he asks, which made her look up at him she sighs "well, just some bad news but I'm alright," she said and sat down on the same couch with me I look at her confuse she noticed 

"Micheal, it's about Micheal my brother told me everything he knew"


it has been an hour since Val told Ein about the 'bad news' Ein was settling in some of his stuff in the old room he was in before it was almost night, they had already eaten dinner so they were lucky they got there as soon as possible before it rained

Cyrus is finally with them Val was glad that the doctors agreed to let him go since his injury was only minor, but was enough for a warning

the three settled on and went to their rooms Ein and Cyrus didn't communicate for the rest of the night it was normal.

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