chapter 33

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Ein and Aaron were having a conversation outside, walking near the sands talking about how to get even if it's few it's worth it a memory 

"Zane did tell me we weren't on good terms in the past, but that's all he said nothing else," He said, looking at the ground, Ein sighed "well... it is difficult to explain...but I can tell e few"

Ein said, they both stop their tracks and looked for a free bench to sit on, when they found one they settled in 

Ein started to tell everything about their so-called 'Rivalry' back in high school, and how much of a trouble it was whenever they either start fighting or arguing 

"ah...uhm, it's a bit cringy from my perspective, from how you described me back then. a little too edgy...oh god was I??" Ein nodded "yep, that one edgy hot bad boy that everyone wants to fuck, yep that's you" he chuckled while Aaron gave a thought to it 

then it gave him shivers "i- to be honest I don't mind if I forget that part...regret remembering it now...oh gosh, what about my personality?" he said getting a little too close to Eins Face which made him a little wide-eyed 

"woah, personal space bud, and, I don't know much, you could ask aph.. the only thing I could say is~...low tempered simp, who probably has a soft spot," he said with a grin which made Aaron blush from embarrassment "Oh no-..." 

A/N: short chapter since its 2 in the morning lmao

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