chapter 29

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A/N: to the original chapters from before there was a library where Ein, zane, and Aaron went to get some books till Ein finds shit about the past life/reborn shit right? well- it's time bois

It was morning, nothing unusual happened, when Aaron came out of the room he and ein was in, he found out that the others are already passed out on the floor, luci and Mellisa cuddling Kim cleaning out the bottles alongside Cyrus who was helping

while zane took some blankets to cover the others up, it looks like everyone last night got a little too goofy that it exhausted all of them

like any other morning, just Aaron hearing his sister puke out all the beer she drank was enough to cheer him up and disgust him at the same time, he made sure that all of them drank water before drinking other things

they all took breakfast, except for one person who was heavily asleep in their room

Ein felt like shit when he woke up, realizing he was the last to wake up he groaned and looked at his phone opening his camera to see himself, who looked like he just argued with a husband or wife, something like that

he gets up and stretched out his arms

he yawned and leaves the room, to find the others just talking, they all said their mornings to him and went to the kitchen to get some food

"morning Ein" no one was in the kitchen except him and Ein, Aaron gives him a glass of water and Ein took his meal "thanks, and morning too, hope I didn't do anything stupid, I sorta blacked out last night," Ein said while yawning once again

Aaron chuckles "your good, just eat your meal, me and zane are gann go to the new library here, they said, the library was huge on the inside so we wanna sorta know what kind of books we could somehow use," he said, finishing his washing 

Ein gulped down his food "I and Val went there yesterday, we bought only two books though, I'd like to join" he said, Aaron smiled


the 'four' of them were in the library, Cyrus somehow overheard the convo and wanted to join so the three of them were separated and told themselves to meet at the entrance once they were done

Ein was alone, wandering off, checking out new things, he then spots a book

the same summery as what he had seen from Aaron's movie/series list but it has a different title

'The cursed warrior, and the golden prince' 

"hmm" the urge to take the book has driven him to sanity, he looks around for any sign of his fellow friends and he found out he was alone, he wasn't usually into these kinds of things, but it's worth the try

he then quickly takes the book

he sighed and quickly goes to buy the book he has enough money to do that anyway

A/N: it's 1:52 yeah, early update I guess lmao

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