Five Days Capriccio

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May 4, Morning

Spring-Autumn Inn 1st Floor

Birds chirped and a gentle spring breeze blew through the window. On her third morning in this country, Riyoshi was washing her face as she stood in front of the washbasin. She was in a communal washroom, and around her, guests staying at the same inn are washing their faces. She walked through the busy traffic, rubbing her eyes.

'Another day of asking around...'

She put back her sleeves, which had been folded to keep them dry, and thought back to her plans for the day. She hadn't heard from Jindo, who had been on a separate mission since yesterday, even after dawn. Although she was fed up with her boss's selfish behavior, she proceeded with her preparations to carry out the mission given to her by the National Police Agency.

"Well then... let's get going."

Taken off the cloak provided by the mansion over her accustomed suit, Riyoshi left the inn. A few minutes later, Hiraide also went out into the city.

. . .

Ringual Urban Area

This time, Riyoshi headed for a section of the city where inns for travelers stand side by side. Each of the inns accommodated merchants who had come to the city mainly for the purpose of doing business. A Japanese woman dressed in an elaborately decorated cloak was walking alone in this bustling section of the city, where stalls lined the streets and people came and went.


"She's huge... is she a woman?"

Numerous curious stares were directed at Riyoshi as she walked through the streets. In a country where the average height of men is around 160 meters, Riyoshi, who is 171 centimeters tall, must look like a giant to the people around her. Of course, compared to modern Japan, the average height of people in this world, who live on a diet of low nutritional value, is not as high as in the world of the 21st century.


Feeling uncomfortable with her height making her stand out from the crowd, Riyoshi entered the first inn. A man who looked like the owner was sitting in the front desk space at the back of the inn, reading a newspaper. Riyoshi approached the man and spoke to the owner, who did not seem to notice her.


The owner, noticing Riyoshi's voice, folded the newspaper and placed it on the counter, then looked up at her.

"I'm looking for someone. Have you ever seen them before?"

From her pocket, Riyoshi pulled out five photographs of five Japanese nationals who had disappeared.

"...No, never seen them before."

The owner gazed at the faces in the photographs and shook his head from side to side. Hearing his answer, Riyoshi's shoulders slumped slightly and put the photos in her pocket.

"...I see, sorry for the trouble."

She bowed to the owner and left the inn. After that, she walked along the main street again to look for the second inn.

The season is spring, and the wind from the sea blows through the town, feeling pleasant on the skin. She entered the second, third, and fourth inns, but no one claimed to have seen the missing Japanese. By the time the sun had rose high in the sky, she had visited eleven inns. Finally, Riyoshi no longer had enough of walking and sat down on the ground. She sat on the edge of an irrigation canal that ran through the back alleys of the city. Throwing her legs out from the knees and dangling them inside the canal, she looked up at the blue sky seen through the gaps between the buildings and sighed loudly. The irrigation channel was flowing gently, caressing her toes.

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