The Grim Reaper Comes Silently

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Executive Conference Room, World Magic Telecommunications Company General Headquarters 4th Floor

The eight executives of the company, all of whom were present at the meeting, picked up a document that was placed in front of them. Turning to the front page, they read the first item on the agenda.

"First of all, the budget for the introduction of Japanese editing and printing equipment for the next fiscal year is as follows... The Tokyo Branch Manager has negotiated with a local Japanese company, and the amount proposed is as follows..."

The moderator, Didymar, read out the budget. In order to further increase profits and improve work efficiency, the company was looking to introduce Japanese-made electrical equipment. The company had already made some progress with a number of Japanese companies and was waiting for the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Ephoroi Republic and Japan.

"Japanese machines cost a lot of money..."

"Will it pay for itself?"

"Isn't it a little too much?"

"If the Japanese government would approve the use of 'inter net,' it would make it easier to exchange information with other branches, and the profits would be enormous..."

The executives discussed the issue. It seems that there are still some objections to the introduction of Japanese-made equipment, which has already been decided as a policy. The discussion then turns to the next item on the agenda.

"The establishment of a branch in the Israfail Empire, however, negotiations with the government of Israfail continue to be difficult. It has been a long-held dream of ours to make the Israfail Empire a commercial zone, but they have been reluctant to accept our proposal..."

The "Seven Dragons" is the collective name for the seven powerful nations that reign in this world, and in order, they are the Arabanne Empire, the Crossnellyard Empire, the Holy Rovance Papal State, the Israfail Empire, the Shorteria-San Empire, the United Kingdom of Slephen, and finally Japan. The powers have been replaced twice in the past decade or so, with the Altian Empire, which fought against Japan five years ago, and the Great Sou Empire, which fought against the United Kingdom of Slephen about 15 years ago.

The Israfail Empire, known as the "Dragon of the West," is the only country in the world that has achieved an industrial revolution, and apart from Japan, it is the most advanced in "science" technology in the world. The Japanese government is also paying attention to them as a trading partner, since they are the country of people who invented "gunpowder" without magical powers. However, in order to prevent the technology from leaking out to the rest of the world as it did with gunpowder in the past, the country is a closed nation that does not allow the establishment of branches of the Telecommunications Company.

"Be persistent in your negotiations. The benefits of establishing a commercial zone in this country, which is considered to have a large urban population, will be tremendous," Blauer said.

Surrounded by grownups, the girl was undaunted by the environment and expressed her opinion with dignity as a person in a position of responsibility.

'What a great girl...'

Jindo, who was watching her from behind, was simply impressed by her appearance.

. . .

Around the same time

Ringual Harbor

While Jindo was touring the headquarters of the Telecommunications Company, his subordinate, Hiraide, had come to the port to conduct an investigation.

ASAHI NO NISHISEI - Rising Sun Goes West (2)Where stories live. Discover now