Analogy of Love

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I've been told -

That love is like an old-time wooden power pole.

They say there's enlightenment and ecstasy at the top.

Admittedly, all I've seemed to learn 'bout the subject is:

The climb can be a bit scary at times.

Takes a lot more courage, than I first thought, to shinny up the pole.

Sometimes, you lose ground, and slide part way down.

It's damn painful when you fall clean off.

The pain is much greater, the higher up you get, when ya do fall.

So far, all I've got to show for my efforts is a lot of splinters in my ... arms.

Have I given up?

Not on your life. Or mine if the fall is too great.

I just shake off the bewilderment of the fall.

Pick some of the bigger splinters out.

Dream of what it must be like at the top.

Think for a minute what went wrong.

Then start head'n up again.

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