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I have spent many long nights thinking, wondering, and pondering. I have come to the conclusion that one of the most undervalued concepts in our society can be expressed with the one word "harmony". It seems we are forgetting, or are at least neglecting, this concept. If I may be indulged to humbly offer one bit of advice it would be that we should strive to live a more harmonious existence. In harmony with one another and in harmony with nature. What I see is that our society is evolving in the opposite direction. We are becoming more selfish, self-serving, less considerate, and more acrimonious. We seem to be drifting from the concepts of inner peace, kindness, integrity, humility, generosity, camaraderie, altruism, and a harmonious life.

Having a harmonious relationship does not infer that we all agree. It means trying to understand and accepting how other people feel. Respecting a person's right to have their own opinions and beliefs that may be very different from our own. Not demeaning, bullying, or speaking poorly about them. But instead to be more considerate, caring, and helpful of other people and also to our planet's environment. By no means does it condone irrational and irresponsible behavior. We must stand for what is right and just. We all have our own paths and destinies. But we need not neglect what I feel is our obligation to try to make this a better place in which to live. And to this end, I feel we could be doing a much better job.

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