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I worked 30 years as a geologist. Which means I've booked a lot of miles in pickup trucks. On one trip, I drove alone from Elko, Nevada to British Columbia, Canada. On the way there, I spent the first night in La Grande, Oregon. I love La Grande. It is a small lumber town on the east flank of the Blue Mountains. With that said, in the morning I wanted to get on the road so I just stopped at McDonalds' drive-thru for breakfast. I probably ordered the usual, an egg McMuffin, hash browns and a coffee. When I got to the window, I gave the woman a $20 bill for something that cost less than half that. I gave her the money and she handed my order and then gave me my change. She then shut the window without saying thank you, kiss my ass, or anything. I looked at my change and arrived at a crossroads. She gave me like 90 some dollars in change. I thought I best do the right thing, so Karma wouldn't come back on me. I knocked on the window and she opened it with a disgusted look on her face. I said I think you made a mistake on my change. In an angry voice she said and I quote "I don't make mistakes!" For a split second, I thought great let's go. But instead I said you might check my change and handed it to her. She took it shut the window and returned a minute later with the right change and then – yes - slammed the sliding window. Not a thanks, sorry, no nothing. I drove off thinking I had done the right thing. I still wrestle with this but I guess it is on her and not me. I sometimes wonder what she does now. It must be great not to make mistakes.

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