The Little Black Bugs

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Over the last few days I have been sitting on the porch watching our dogs do their thing in the yard. While sitting there I noticed these tiny black bugs much smaller than a period on a piece of paper. They scurry around on the ground going this way and that. Always in a hurry to get somewhere. As I sat there I wondered if they were even aware that I was watching them. I wondered if they cared or worried that I could snuff out their life with a single misstep. I'm pretty sure they don't think about how fast the universe is expanding, variations in the Hubble constant, what black holes are made of or what a singularity is. I don't imagine they consider if there is life somewhere in the trillions of other galaxies in our universe. If our universe is just an expanding bubble in space. Or if there are other universe bubbles. Or what happens if they collide?

We humans are all filled with our self importance. We believe we are smarter, more important, and better than this person or that one. More popular than someone else. When in the big picture we are really like these small black bugs scurrying around. In the grand scheme of things we are less significant than a fly spec in the cosmos. Just here for a blink in time.

With that said, take time to enjoy life. Don't worry so much. Be kind to yourself and others. Take time to watch the black bugs scurry about.

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