Please Dear Lord

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Please dear Lord, forgive me of my sins. Please forgive me for the things that I didn't do so well today. Help me to do a better job tomorrow. 

Please guide and direct me. Help me to be wise. Help me to know the difference between right and wrong. Please give me the strength to do what's right.

Please help me to do your will. What you would have me do. Not just what I think is best at the time. 

Please give me the strength to avoid temptation.

Please help me to be patient and understanding of others and their needs.Help me to listen attentively and respectfully to others. 

Help me to avoid being angry. Help me to be honest and genuine, caring and calm. Let me remember that those talents I have, were given to me by you, for your purposes.

Help me not to judge others. Not to talk poorly or gossip about them. Not to compare myself to them. Not to be either jealous or self-righteous. To remember we all have our own paths and destiny.

And, Lord, if it wouldn't be asking too much. If this request isn't too great. When it comes my time to go. Could you have my son, meet me at the garden gate.

For I have no doubt that he is with you now. Does he still like to fish as much as when he was young? Does he look the same? Will I be able to recognize him? Will he still know me? I pray it's so.

As you know, my time is short, and I'm a little scared. They said my boy left so bravely. I'm not sure what's wrong with me. Maybe he was just as frightened - just didn't let it show. 

When my stay here is over. When my breath exhales in a final sigh. When my heart takes that last solitary beat. When my sprit and soul are finally free to go. Do you think my son could meet me. When I lost him, I wasn't ready to let him go.

You know he left so suddenly. I never got to say goodbye. I was hoping, if it might be possible, if my boy could meet me, meet me when I die. You know that I've missed him so. 

Please, dear Lord, bless my family. Keep them safe from harm. Help them understand, that I love them so. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

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