The Bait

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Last week my wife said she saw a mouse run across our front room. Not willing to share her home with the uninvited guest she put it to me in plain spoken terms to get rid of it. I dutifully went to the store and surveyed the multitude of devises to catch a mouse. I settled on the tried-and-true old-fashioned trap over the sticky pads and live traps. When I returned home, I put some cheese on the trap, set it, and placed it between the dryer and cabinet - away from where the dogs might set it off. The next morning, I checked the trap and there was the dead mouse lying next to the piece of cheese. I ingloriously disposed of the mouse and trap in the trash and had no further thoughts of it until last night. In a magazine article I was reading was a quote by Wendell Johnson that said: "To a mouse, cheese is cheese – that's why mousetraps work." The quote instantly became vividly clear to me. To be more careful of scams and good deals. To refrain from believing every post on social media. In these nefarious times there are plenty of traps that are baited and waiting. It is not right to be anxious all the time. But if that inner voice says I wonder about this, it is time to look a bit closer before grabbing the bait.

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