"Wolfs Bane"

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All credits of the story go to Jeff Davis and the production team for Teen Wolf. I do not own the series, or any of the characters. The only characters I own are Charlie, and the ones that don't appear in the television series.

Warnings: Mentions of violence, profanities, sex, alcohol, drugs, etc. For mature audiences only.

"Go, go, go!" I shouted, slapping the driver's seat with urgency.

Scott gripped the steering wheel as he asked, "Faster?"

From my place in the backseat, I could see an ugly green car on the road behind us. It was most definitely chasing us, seeing as this has been going on for several miles now. I knew it couldn't be the police, because we saw no red and blue lights, and we couldn't hear a siren. However, it was someone that was after Derek. My guess? Hunters.

"What do you think, Scotty?" I reeled, heart racing from the adrenaline rush. Did he really have to ask us that stupid question? If he didn't drive any faster, the car would be on us in seconds.

Stiles looked back at the car as well, nodding his head. "Much faster." His eyes were wide, and his freckled cheeks flushed, as he focused his attention back onto my brother.

Scott took in a large breath of air, shifted gears, and then stepped on the gas pedal with all his might. The engine roared through the dark streets of downtown Beacon Hills to the point where I could practically feel the vibration of the car picking up speed. I don't know why Scott was the one in charge of driving us, but apparently Derek trusted him more than me and Stiles. If I'm being honest, Stiles probably would have been the better choice, seeing as he drove more often than Scott. If I'm going to submit myself to a high-speed car race, I would like doing it with the most experienced driver.

Scott rounded the corner, the three of us shifting in our seats from the force. I had my hands glued onto both of the front seats, as I anxiously swiveled my head between the car chasing us and the road ahead. At the speed we were going, we could either seriously crash, or get pulled over.

I wasn't too worried about law enforcement catching us, though, because the police had a bigger issue at the moment. Since Scott threw Derek under the bus (blaming him for the murders) he was wanted by the police. They had him surrounded at the school earlier this night, so Derek had called us for help. There wasn't much that we could do, but driving his car as a distraction could help. Now, he was running around downtown somewhere, barely escaping the cops.

The green car started to swerve in attempt to get beside us. They were gaining on us, and if Scott didn't do something right now, we would be toast. I don't know what we would do if that happened. Would they try to pull us over like a deputy, or would they just start shooting at us? I'm honestly surprised they haven't started that yet.

"Hey, Scott. I don't think you're grasping the concept of the car chase here," Stiles added, nervously looking back at the vehicle.

"If I go faster," Scott responded, "I'll kill us."

"Well, if you don't go faster, they're going to kill us!" I shot back angrily, my grip tightening on the seats.

Scott took this as his cue to shift gears again, and attempt to pick up the pace. Suddenly, the car behind us squealed to a stop, no longer chasing us. At first, I was relieved to know that nobody was after us anymore, but something else concerned me. Why did they just turn around? What had made them change their mind?

"They're gone," Stiles breathed, shoulders dropping.

"Why did they just stop?" I implored, leaning towards the two in the front.

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