Downfall of a droid

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"Ready to go snips?" Anakin asks "master they just delivered your replacement astromech droid. This is R3-S6. I've heard that the new R3s are far faster in thinking skills and more powerful than the old R2 units." Ahsoka informed Anakin. "And best of all, master, he's gold. A gold droid for a gold leader of gold Squadron." Ahsoka added laying it on thick. "You can't replace R2." Anakin said as he walked on to the ship. "Do you guys need me to come with you?" You asked. "If you want to sure.... or you can stay here with Rex." Anakin said with a grin. You blushed. Why would he ask you that? The new astromech did give you an odd feeling, but on the other hand Rex was here and you can establish a professional relationship with him. "I think I'll hang back." "mm hmm." He hummed as he walked on to the ship.

As soon as they leave you look for Rex. You walk around looking for the captain in the bay area. You sat down on some boxes and think for a moment. Why are you looking for Rex? Was this weird to purposely search for him, But before you could finish your thought you could feel something through the force, something that's warm and shines like a massive star. You soon realize this aura in the force is Rex. You also realize he's right behind you. You turn to look at him and a smile graces your lips. You become aware of the fact that you've just been staring at him with a smile and with the force can feel a warm yet uncomfortable feeling radiating off of him.

"Umm hi, did you need something, Rex?" You asked, cheeks growing extremely warm. The warm and fuzzy feeling becoming ever so present. Why were you blushing so much? "Just trying to preoccupy myself, while waiting for General Skywalker and Commander Tano to come back." Rex answered. "Do you want to converse with me while we wait for Anakin to come back?" You asked, trying to make eye contact with him, despite the helmet he had on and hoping he says yes. "Of course you are great company." Rex replied. You patted the seat next to you. "Tell me about your first time in battle."

As Rex sat down he told you about his first time on the field. You kept staring at the helmet, getting distracted by the fact that you couldn't see his face. "Rex." You said. "Yes, (N)?" Rex asked. "Can you take your helmet off? As dashing as it is, i would prefer to see your much more dashing face." You could feel an immense warm feeling coming off him. He swiftly and smoothly removes his helmet and sets it a side. He smiles and says "Alright mesh'la." In a husky voice. Hearing him call you beautiful in Mando'a and in such a husky voice made you blush, but of course this was just playful, friendly flirting, right? You and Rex talk for hours until Anakin and Ahsoka come back.

"We have to assume that R2 was destroyed in the explosion that claimed your ship." Obi-Wan concluded. "Yes master." Anakin said solemnly. "Our intelligence has confirmed that Grievous' spies have been intercepting our transmissions." Obi-Wan informed. "He must have some sort of secret listening post out there somewhere." Ahsoka chimed in. "That would explain how he's been able to ambush our fleets." Anakin said. "split up you squadrons, Anakin. Find that base and destroy it." Obi-Wan ordered. "It's as good as done, Master Kenobi." Ahsoka answered. "May the force be with you all ." Obi-Wan prayed as he hung up.

You all were in the main bay area getting ready to attack the base. "I'll sweep the outer corridor while the rest of your ships focus on the center." Anakin ordered. "Are you sure you want to go it alone?" Rex asked "Yeah I could always just go with you." You said aware of the hint of worry In your voice. "I'm sure. More than one fighter will just draw too much attention." Anakin had a point. "yes sir." Rex responded as he went to go to his own fighter. "I don't like this." You voiced. "Master you'll need a droid to help you navigate." Ahsoka stated, wanting to prove Goldies usefulness.

"I think stubby is defective." Anakin said bitterly. "give him another chance, master." Ahsoka pleaded. "This is the perfect time for you and him to, you know bond." Ahsoka added with a small smile to seal the deal. "All right." Anakin gave in." "Come on stubby." You and Ahsoka walked down to the communications room. You could feel that Rex was in there already with his bright and shiny aura or as you called it his halo. "May the force be with you, master." She prayed. You lightly rubbed her back for reassurance. Ahsoka gives you a small smile back.

"That's Master Skywalker's tracking beacon. What's he doing?" Ahsoka asked. "Good question." You responded. It was probably the droid messing up again. "Rex, get a hold of as many men as you can." Ahsoka commanded Rex. "Right away, sir!" Rex did as he was told and started to round up the men. Ahsoka was clearly worried about Anakin. You didn't like this. "We should head out now, if we want to save Anakin in time." You said to Ahsoka. Ahsoka nods in agreement. You, Rex and Ahsoka go into a small ship to save Anakin.

"Cargo bay doors open. You better get inside." Ahsoka told Anakin. "I'd love to, but R3's having a problem with the engines." Anakin said simmering with anger. "Let's give him some cover, boys." Ahsoka ordered. "Yes sir." Rex obeyed. You took control of a vacant ship blaster and fired away. "I'm inside. Now let's get out of here, Ahsoka." Anakin ordered. "Let's move." You ordered. "power it up Rex. We're going right between those tin cans." Ahsoka confidently said with a slight smirk. Your ship went through the separatist cruisers with barely any room to do so. "Hit it Rex." Ahsoka ordered. Your ship immediately zoomed off into hyperspace and quickly left the battle. "Hey, Goldie! What did you think of your first adventure?" Ahsoka asked. "I'll tell you what I think, I think I'm lucky to be alive!" Anakin interjected. You could feel his boiling anger. "Great, now you hurt his feelings." Ahsoka said reprimanding Anakin. "His feelings! What about R2! He's still out there. I know it." Anakin argued. With that, you zoomed away into further space.

Taking a Chance :Captain Rex x Reader/or your OC fanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang