Making Besties

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Sophie stood by the school's Leapmaster, contemplating her day as she waited for the twins. I ought to give the readers a refresher anyway, since it's been like 4 months, she mused.

First, Fitz made me the school outcast. Then, I caused The Sophia Stampede and incinerated Sir Conley. Next, Stina tried to become friends with me but ran away for some reason. And finally, I accidentally tipped over a magic bottle in my last class and sent a raging fire down four hallways and turned 13 classrooms into pure ash.

...Well, that wasn't too bad. She'd had worse school days after all—like the one where her sophomore math teacher called her a nerd.

It's okay now, though. I have Tam, Linh, and that other guy. Sophie's heart swelled with emotions until it exploded. She'd never had friends before, and it was making her go a little crazy. With happiness. Probably.

"Uhm, hello? Tam's... girlfriend?" A hand waving rapidly in front of her face snapped her from her thoughts. In front of Sophie, a beautiful brown-haired girl stood with crossed arms, clearly irritated. "Why are you staring into space like a cross-eyed weasel?" She huffed.

"What's a weasel?" Sophie asked, raising her worms.

The girl just narrowed her eyes and looked her up and down. "You don't get out much, do you?"

"Not since New Year's," she admitted ruefully. "I'm Sophieeeeee—yUHHHHHHHH. Sophia. I'm Sophia." Sophie grinned awkwardly, sweating several balls.

"...That's pretty obvious. Both of those statements, I guess. Everyone's been talking about how you killed Jensi." She wrinkled her nose. "I heard it was grosser than your mom. Anyways, I'm Biana."

"Really nice to meet you," Sophie said, holding out a hand that Biana didn't take. In fact, she screamed at what seemed to be the mere prospect of touching a horse. I guess I can't blame her, Sophie mourned mournfully.

Suddenly, Biana whipped around and started waving frantically. "My brother—Fitz—is here. I can tell, he smells gross. It's weird."

A hot boy with brown hair stepped out from the shadows. "Finally," Fitz growled with a growl. He tossed his glittering dirt hair and rolled his sparkly teal blue eyes. "I thought you would talk forever."

"Whatever, stinky pig," Biana said. "See you, Sophiyuh." She grabbed her brother's arm and stepped towards the Leapmaster.

Fitz quickly glanced back at her, and she almost melted into a gross, sweaty puddle. "Uh, uhm, b-b-bye," she stammered, blushing stop-sign red. "I mean, see ya later, alligator."

The sexy, tall boy's eyes widened, and he tap-danced into the Leapmaster before he could respond.

So hot, she giggled, backflipping 8 times in joy. I can't wait to see him tomorrow. Sophie sighed and leaned against the wall. I don't know how I'll ever be able to wait that long.

It really did seem to take forever. Especially four hours later, when she finally hit maximum boredom.

Where are they?! She huffed internally. If they don't come back soon, I'm going to Choralmere without them. After another hour, Sophie gathered up her willpower in a fat sack and stepped up to the Leapmaster.

"CHORALMERE!" She screamed with all her might. A crystal came flying out of the weird chandelier and smacked her in the face, instantly teleporting her back to the Songs' home.

"Woo! That was a rush," she giggled hysterically from blood-loss, wiping the red liquid off her face before heading up to Linh's room. 100,000 steps later, she finally found the dark-haired gorl sitting in the bedroom.

"Hey," Sophie collapsed. "When did you get here?"

"After school, silly!" Linh exclaimed. "I got here ages ago. I was waiting for you!" Rolling her eyes, Sophie reached out a shaky hand and clawed her way to Tam's bed.

"Tomorrow, could you guys wait for me at the Leapmaster?" She toppled onto the mattress, gasping for oxygen and other helpful molecules.

"Sure. You could've asked for us to wait for you today too, you know. Wow, you're messy. Let me help!" Linh snatched a brush from a nearby desk and sprinted at Sophie, who screamed in fear. Linh tackled her and snatched her hair, gently brushing through it in a calming way.

After a few minutes of comforting silence, Linh finally murmured, "you know, I really am sorry we didn't wait for you today. I was so scared of how my parents would react."

"You don't have to let them control you, you know," Sophie responded quietly. "They're your parents, not your owners."

"I know. But we don't really have a choice, do we? Not while we're trying to protect you."

"There's always a choice, Linh. Danny DeVito said so." Linh finished brushing through her hair and started braiding.

"Bronte used to say that too. He is—was—my favorite Councilor." Linh sighed longingly and yanked on her hair. Accidentally.

"Sorry I killed him," Sophie mumbled. "It really was mostly an accident."

"I know. It doesn't matter anymore, so, um, let's change the subject. How was your first day of school?"

"Um, good!" Sophie lied. "I made a lot of friends."

"Right! Imaginary friends count too," Linh said sympathetically. Sophie wondered how she could see right through her like an overpowered chicken.

"Don't worry," Linh assured her. "Tomorrow will be better."

"I hope so," Sophie said, looking at the floor.

"I'm finished braiding. Have a good night, Sophie."

"You too, bestie."

A/N: Why do I feel like Linh and Sophie have more chemistry here than Tam and Sophie. Like bruh
Anywayssssss hope you enjoyed this EARLY CHAPTER. That i made so quickly. I'm sorry if its absolute dog water I havent written anything since like 8th grade sooooooo ahahahahh

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