"She's also helped me Clara. She's the biggest blessing in my life and I'm glad I make her as happy as she makes me. I do plan on staying with her for long time, I even think forever."

"Good. Thank you for coming into her life and changing her dramatically into a better person." she said in a happy tone.

"No, thank you for having such a beautiful and wonderful daughter."

Our conversation came to an end when we heard loud footsteps coming down the stairs. Then soon a boy and a girl appeared in the dining room. Which I assumed were Lauren's siblings.

"We smelled pancakes so we ran down here." the boy said.

"Oh Chris you're always hungry." Clara told him.

"Somehow the loser manages to stay skinny." the girl said rolling her eyes.

"That's because I do volleyball dummy." he responded pushing her shoulder.

The girl was about to react but Clara spoke before she could do anything back
"Kids be nice to each other and meet Camila, Lauren's girlfriend."

I blushed at the word 'girlfriend'.

"Oh my god! You're Camila?" The girl asked.

"Yeah nice to meet you..?"

"Taylor but you could call me Tay." she said helping me out with her name and giving me a hug.

"Okay and you must be Chris." I said looking over at him and sticking out my hand to shake.

"Yea nice to finally meet you. Lauren never shuts up about you. Camila this and Camila that." He said trying his best to imitate Lauren's voice.

"She really talks about me that much?" I asked giggling.

"Yes!!" They both said in unison.

"Okay idiots stop embarrassing me and go eat some food" Lauren says coming back into the room.

"Babe what took you so long?" I asked.

"Dinah called and wanted all the details of yesterday."

"Don't tell me you told her about us without me!"

"Calm down babe, I left that part out. I told her that we needed to talk to her on Monday." she says rubbing my back.

"Oh okay.You're the best." I said kissing her cheek.

She smirks, "Well you know I try."

I giggle then slap her arm "Ow! What was that for?" She exclaimed rubbing her arm.

"I didn't even hit you hard, and because you were being cocky." I said playfully glaring at her.

"Wh-Nevermind" she sighed in defeat.

Then finally we looked towards her siblings and her mom who had amused expressions on their faces.

"What?" We both asked.

"Nothing, just that she acts really different around you." Chris replied with Taylor nodding in agreement.

Then I looked towards Clara who mouthed 'I told you so' with a smile. Lauren saw this and gave me a 'what is she talking about' face and I just shook my head. I just didn't want to tell her everything her mom told me. I didn't know why though.

"Anyway it's Saturday. What are you kids planning to do?" Clara asked.

"Nothing just lay around." replied Chris.

"Yup social media all day." Tay said.

"We don't know we haven't thought of anything yet." Lauren said looking at me.

"What if all 4 of you go out to the park or the mall or something?" Clara suggested.

"Sounds like you want to get rid of us.." Lauren analyzed.

"What? No! Of course not sweetie. I just want you guys to bond more."

"Okay? Well then we're going to the mall. Come on guys go get ready, while I take Camila home so she could change then we'll come back for you guys."

Chris and Tay look towards each other then shrug, then they got up and put their dishes in the sink, then went upstairs. Lauren got her keys and led me out the door but not before I say bye to Clara and thanked her for breakfast.

We got to my house and saw that it's empty which I'm not surprised by anymore. I then went up to my room to take a shower while Lauren trailed behind. She laid on my bed until I came out ten minutes later to pick out my clothes.

I decide on a blue washed skinny jeans, a white tank top with a grey long sleeve over it that says 'New York' in big black letters and my brown ugs, since the weather was starting to turn chilly. I went into my bathroom to change and came out to apply some mascara and eyeliner. Then I dried my hair and slightly curled it.

When I was done, I called Lauren to get her attention but she was too into the game she was playing to notice. So I grabbed the nearest thing I saw and threw it at her. My comb.

"Ow! Why yo-" she cut herself off when she saw me. Her mouth was slightly open and lust appeared in her eyes.
"W-wow Camz you look beautiful."

I blushes "Thanks Laur but let's go. We still have to go back for your brother and sister. Then you have to change too."

She got up then walked towards me and pulled me in for a kiss. How much I loved our kisses. They were so sweet and gentle. We pulled away once air was needed and I couldn't help but smile at her. Which she happily returned.

We went back to her house. She got out to change and to call Chris and Tay while I stayed in the car. Minutes later they came out and got inside. They wanted to play some music and after some arguing, Chris got to play his music since he said something about Tay always playing hers.

Somebody by Natalie La Rose came on and we started jamming to the song. Lauren finally came out towards the middle of the song. She was wearing blue skinny jeans with a white v-neck and a denim jacket with her white chucks. Once inside the car she heard the song and just smiled then started to jam along with us. Then off we were towards the mall to do who knows what. But I had a feeling we'll cause a lot of trouble.

A/N: shoutout to @letty198 for always giving feedback, I appreciate it and also to my loyal readers that are here for every update :)

We Are A Secret (Camren) [Editing]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz