Chapter 15 (Class-1A)

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If any of them tried at their current level, they'd die.

Sensing a need for a change in topic, Mr. Aizawa turns to the upcoming part of their curriculum and hands a stack of papers to Momo who began passing them out. "Before I turn you guys over from homeroom, let's talk about the sports festival. As you all know, pro heroes were there watching. Those of you who piqued their interest, have received offers to join them during your hero agency internships. These internships are designed to give you all field experience. To learn things right behind a pro hero, on the front lines."

"Those who didn't receive offers have 40 other hero agencies to choose from. Think carefully about where you want to go. Go over your options carefully Turn in your papers by the end of the week."

As soon as he finishes, the hero Midnight who had officiated the games bursts in. "Hello class! You all remember me, don't you? Of course, you do." Mr. Aizawa clears his throat and the giddiness in Midnight's voice dissolves. "Right. Look, recent events have hit us hard, I'm not going to lie. Normally this portion of what I do isn't so serious. Picking hero names is supposed to be fun, but we don't have the time. As much as I want to tell you to take your time, it is imperative that you make one as soon as possible. . . should the worst come." Midnight looks on at the silent class, the air solum and heavy. "So, let's get to it," she adds a bit more happily. "Who's first?"

Aizawa on the other hand zips up in his cocoon sleeping bag and falls to the floor. "Just stay quiet so I can sleep."

No one volunteers. It's like they are waiting for that loud-mouthed Pomeranian to say something snarky. But nothing ever comes. Yet another strangely painful reminder.

It takes a while, but someone finally volunteers. After that, it slowly gets easier for the others to voice their chosen names. One by one they step to the front and tell the class and Midnight gives her approval.

"I wonder what Bakugou and Uraraka would have said for their names," one of their classmates mumbles as the last person returns back to their seat.

"Bakugou's easy. We all know he would have said something stupid and violent like Lord Explosion Murder. Or something like that," Kirishima says.

"Yeah, no kidding," Todoroki says with a small smile.

"Now that I think of it, none of us know Uraraka that well," Kirishima says.

"You're right."

The class falls silent, realizing just how little they know. They didn't even notice when Uraraka missing. On top of that, they could never tell the difference when she was switched with that transformer. How many times were they standing right next to, or even looking right, a member of the League of Villans? When did it start?

The rest of the class is canceled. Before leaving, everyone is instructed to go straight home. No stops, no detours.

Kirishima, who had been walking behind his classmates as they left for the day, stops in his tracks. "We've gotta find them," he says, getting everyone's attention.

The class stares at him. Of course, it's no surprise Kirishima wants to go against the teachers. He's the one who's been able to form at least somewhat of a bond with Bakugou.

"I'm with you. I think we should too," Kaminari says, standing by Kirishima.

The other classmates look around at each other, unsure.

However, it also comes to no surprise that Momo is the first one to speak against this plan. "I don't think that's a good idea guys. You heard what they said. They have this taken care of."

"We're their classmates," Kaminari counters. "we can't just sit around and wait. We have to do something."

"They'd both do the same for us. Bakugou may be hotheaded and selfish, but even he wouldn't stand by while someone needs help." Todoroki says quietly, considering his options. "I'm in."

"I don't know guys, sounds pretty dangerous," Mineta says.

"Momo, we could really use your help."

"I can't believe I'm saying this but Mineta's right. I don't think we should be doing this."

"Fine," Kirishima says. "We'll manage without you."

"Guys, come on. This isn't right. We need to do as the teachers tell us," Momo implores.

Kirishima walks off, Kaminari following close behind. "If you're scared just say so," Kirishima says over his shoulder.

* * * *

The last day of the week. Bakugou and Uraraka are still missing. There hasn't been a single lead as to where either of them were taken. Not only that, but there are two others missing. One is a hero from the Endeavor agency. He was supposed to be on a mission but never returned. The other is a woman named Inko Midoriya. Deku's. . . Izuku's mom.

At first, the authorities were reluctant to bring her back into his life while they knew so little. But when he broke out and took Bakugou hostage, they had no choice. They were afraid he would show up and take her. They had to tell her and put her under protection as soon as possible. But by the time they got to her house, it was empty.

Kirishima looks at his filled-out paperwork. He then turns to Kaminari who nods back at him. The two of them and Todoroki had an agreement. They would use all the resources they could while at their internships and find out everything they could about this Izuku.

"Do you all have your papers?" Mr. Aizawa asks.

Everyone nods, ready to turn it in.

"Good. Well, you can go ahead and throw those away."

The class stares in shock. Especially Kirishima, Kaminari, and Todoroki. They can't believe it. He has to be joking right?

"Look, the teachers and heroes all agree. With everything going on, it's too dangerous to send you out in the field right now. The LOV is still at large, Bakugou and Uraraka are still missing, and Izuku Midoriya is still at large. We don't know who his next target is. If we let you go, we'd only be painting a large target on your backs."

Kirishima grits his teeth. But this was their chance to get Bakugou and Uraraka back. At least it would be easier to find him if one of them becomes his next target. "But this is what we are training for. We signed up for this. If we turn tail because of a little bit of danger."

"Sometimes knowing when to admit defeat is the heroic thing to do. If you die, who will protect everyone?" Mr. Aizawa lectures. "Part of being a hero means knowing when you can't win."

Kirishima sits back in his chair with a huff of frustration. The plan he carefully weaved together this past week has just crumbled into a million pieces.

"You will still get to do the internship. They will just be after things settle down. In the meantime, we'll get ready for your final exams."

The final exam. How do they expect any of them to train and keep their focus on that when two of their classmates are missing? Perhaps that's the point. To keep them too busy with their studies to even think about doing something. Or maybe it was to keep them away from the resources they could use. 

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