~ch 16: marella's pov~

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"Come on Marella! We have to go!"

I didn't care.

"Marella! They're coming!" Dex whispered as he started pulling my arm.

But I just stood there.

"Marella!" Dex pulled my arm harder. "They're right around the cor-"

Before he could finish his sentence, I fell over.




"What the heck are you guys doing?"

I finally snapped out of my daze.

It was Tam.

"Uh . . ." Dex said, blushing.

"Nothing," I said. "I just accidentally tripped."

"Yeah, suuure." Tam said.

"Shut up," I said, but I could feel my face start to heat up a little.

"Okay, just calm down guys," Fitz said. "That's not what we should be worried about. The real question is why were you spying on us?"

"We weren't. We came here to . . um . ."

Come on. Think of something. Anything!

I then noticed something shiny out of the corner of my eye.

" . . To get this!" I finished.

It was a gear that Dex must've dropped as he fell.

"Why is it all the way over here?" Tam asked.

"Because we were walking down the hall when I accidentally dropped that gear. When we went to pick it up, Marella tripped and fell over." Dex said, saving us.

I looked at him and smiled.

He blushed.

"Well, anyways. Now that you're here, why don't we team up or something?" Fitz offered.

Why would I team up with someone I'm trying to prank? I thought.

But maybe . . .

"Never in a million years would we-"

"Alright. Deal." I said, interrupting Dex.

I held out my hand and shook it with Fitz as Dex just stared at me with a weird look on his face.

"Okay then. It's settled." Tam said. "Let's go."

"You guys go ahead. We'll catch up in a bit." I said.

Fitz and Tam nodded and started to walk away.

After they had left, Dex said, "What was that for? We have to prank them, not help them!"

"You just wait. I have a plan."

"Okay, what is it?" Dex asked.

"I'll tell you later," I said as I turned to walk after Tam and Fitz.

A/N: Hi again.

So you know how I said I would update, like, a month ago, but

I kinda didn't


Well I'm updating now so, yeah.

And I already know what the next chapter's gonna be about, I just need to write it.

So the next chapter will (most likely) be next-ish week.

So just thanks so much for reading even though I don't update when I say I'm going to. You guys are awesome <3.


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