~ch 3: keefe's pov~

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I woke up like it was any other day.

Got up. Got dressed. Styled "The Hair."

Avoided Lord Sassypants. (A/N: Idk if Keefe actually calls his dad that, but I saw it somewhere and I thought it was funny:)

Y'know, the usual.

But as I was doing my usual morning routine, something popped into my head.

Or should I say . . someone.

A certain brown-eyed elf.

Who always took up most of my mind.

The person who always made my ordinary day feel unordinary.

Or, you could even say, extraordinary.

Yes, the person who I kept giving obvious clues that I liked her, but doesn't even realize.

I smirked at the thought of Foster's obliviousness.

*Time skip to Foxfire*

When I got to Foxfire with all my gifts for my friends, I looked around and saw our friend group. I immediately went to join them.

"Where's Foster?" I asked, noticing her absence from the group.

"Probably just late again," Dex said as he came over.

"Yeah, I think so too," said Biana. "Well anyways, who's excited for today?"

"I am! Did you guys get gifts for everyone?" Linh said.

"Yep. You're going to love them! I can't wait to give them to you guys!" Biana said.

"Me too! Did you hear that there's gonna be a pranking competition today?" Marella asked, joining the conversation.

"Really? whar kind of competition?" Fitz asked.

"It's a competition between mentors and students where . . ." Marella began.

Now, I had basically zoned out looking for Foster, but as soon as I heard "pranking," I turned my full attention back to the conversation.

". . . like a way to get revenge on your mentors or someth-"

"Hold up," I interrupted. "Did you just say pranking competition?"

"Yeah, she just did," Tam said. "And if you had been paying attention you'd have known, Keefe."

Man, Bangs Boy can be soo annoying sometimes . . .

"I wasn't talking to you, Tam," I replied.

"Well, I was talking to you, Hunkyhair," Bangs Boy said.

Yep, he really gets on my nerves.

"Well, no one asked, Bangs Boy," I said with a smirk.

"Now listen here, you little-" Bangs Boy started.

"Ugh, break it up, you two," Linh said before it could get any worse.

I just smirked and said, "Who said I wasn't paying attention?" completely ignoring Linh.

"I did," Bangs Boy said as he folded his arms, with a mischievous look in his eyes. "And we all know why you weren't paying attention."

My smirk faded a little.

"Yeah," Biana joined in. "It's because you were thinking about someone."

My smirk faded a little more.

"We all know you like her," Linh said, even though she was trying to separate me and Bangs Boy earlier.

Fitz just looked confused and said, "Wait, what?"

"Well, everyone except Fitz," Linh corrected.

Good thing Wonderboy doesn't know.

"And Dex," Marella added, seeing the confused look on his face.

"Well, don't you think they should know that Keefe likes-"

I quickly put my hand over Biana's mouth just as Foster walked over.

"Hey guys! What're you talking about?"

I looked her way and thought, wow.

I just couldn't get over how beautiful she was.

My heart always danced whenever I was around her.

I quickly covered my embarrassment and regained my confidence, putting on my trademark smirk.

"Hey Foster. Came here to see me?" I teased.

Except it wasn't really a tease.

I really hoped it was the truth.

She looked at me and started blushing, then turned her head away in an attempt to hide it.

I love it when she does that.

A/N: Hi! Thanks soo much to everyone who's reading this so far! I can't believe I already have 32 reads! Don't forget to comment what you think about this fanfic! Also, if you have any ideas for the story, just tell me and I'll see if I can put them in the story!

Do you guys like the cover picture? I definitely didn't stay up til midnight making it . .

Well anyways, Bye!

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