(36) The Appearance Of A White-Robed Man

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The sun was bright, the breeze was warm

Shang Wu Xin walked into Feng Zhou City. After a few days of giving porridge and drinks to the people, Feng Zhou City had finally settled down.

There were no longer any hungry people showing up along the streets, and the civilians had continued their previous business. Shang Wu Xi had killed the previous magistrate, Feng Zhou City’s people can finally go out to make a living.

At this time, Leng Yu Feng and Huan Mo Che were sent by Shang Wu Xin to do other things. It was not that Shang Wu Xin was unwilling to use/enslave these two people, but didn’t know what medicines had these two people recently taken. They frequently appeared in front of her. Shang Wu Xin was bothered by this.

So Shang Wu Xin took on the principle of why not take cheap advantage of these bastards to do work, so she let the two do their jobs. Because of she knew that Feng Zhou City’s problem cannot be solved just by supplying the grains. Although Shan Wu Xin didn’t really care about other people’s lives, unless she was in charge of this then it is necessary to end what one has started.

Shang Wu Xin let Huan Mo Che went to other cities to collect seeds and when he returned, she ordered the soldiers to distribute the seeds to each family. It didn’t take long for some seeds that can survive to quickly mature and be harvested.

It would take at least a few months for the seeds to mature and ready to be harvested, while the food that they brought was only enough for the people to survive for a month. Therefore, Shang Wu Xin let Leng Yu Feng take young and strong men from the city to hunt up in the mountains, and for the women in the city to embroider some embroidery products to be sold to other cities. Even though it wasn’t much, it was more than enough to last for a few months.

After these matters were divided and given to the two people to do, Shang Wu Xin was now idle. Walking in the city from time to time to hear the respectful greetings from the people. When hearing this, Shang Wu Xin felt upset, her mood to walk around the city disappeared. Using qing gong, she went to the tall mountain behind Feng Zhou City; walked around distractedly.

The trees in the mountain were vast. The mottled sun shone through the mountain, where everything was in its purest form, accompanied by pines trees.

Shang Wu Xin walked slowly and carelessly all the way up to the mountain while she watched nature’s scenery along the way. The breath from the chest seemed to be a lot smoother, fresher than before, but when Shang Wu Xin was about to reach the top of the mountain, she saw a person squatting in front of her. Shang Wu Xin stopped her footsteps.

The person squatting in front of her, heard the sound of her footsteps but didn’t look back, and didn’t even make the slightest movement to acknowledge her. Shang Wu Xin couldn’t see the person’s face clearly, she only saw that the white-robed man was bandaging an injured small animal.

Shang Wu Xin knew that this wounded animal had escaped from another mountain because in these few days, Leng Yu Feng took those civilians hunting in another mountain. This little animal was lucky, since it had escaped, and it had met a person to bandage it.

Shang Wu Xin usually did not pay attention to other people. Although, a person who appears at this place is usually a bit strange, she did not feel any murderous intent from this person. So Shang Wu Xin was just a little bit more vigilant when going near the mountaintop. The white robe brushed through the shallow wildflowers.

A gust of wind blew, Shang Wu Xin’s black hair swayed. At this time the squatting man smelled a very light fragrance, which smelled better than any fragrance that he smelled before, even a hundred times more than the medicine that he loved.

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